I sigh. “Talk about dysfunctional.”

“Yeah, but we turned out okay.” She raises her wine glass and I tap my bottle against the rim. “Cheers to escaping the insanity.”

“Cheers,” I say, taking a deep pull of the water. “So, what’s going on with you? Anything new?”

“Not a thing. I’ve been working long hours.”

“That’s nothing new,” I say.

She smiles. “I know. It’s a good thing I love my job so much.”

My gaze jumps to the clock on the wall. My break needs to end soon. “Want to come hang out with me on the beach sometime? Kaiden also has a pool.”

“Sure. Give me some notice if you can and I’ll make sure I have the day off.”

“I’ll have you over on a weekend.”

“Pfft. I work weekends too, Rori.”

“You need a new job,” I say.

She laughs. “I’m trying to make a name for myself. If that means working around the clock, I’m willing and able.”

“You’re a beast,” I say.

One of the other waitresses drops off the takeout container. Stella shifts to her feet and I do the same. We come together with a brief squeeze.

“It’s been great to see you, Rori.”

“You too, sis. I’ll reach out soon. Don’t work too hard. Make sure you’re getting some rest too.”

“I will,” she says. But I know she won’t. She’s like a workhorse that keeps moving no matter how tired it is.

Shortly after Stella leaves I check my phone and find a text from Kaiden.

Hey, I’m getting together with Tiago, so I won’t see you until you get home.

I’m glad he’s going out with his friend.

Have fun.

I like to come in and watch you work, though. You look so sexy carrying that drink tray.

Ha. That’s hilarious. You’ll have to watch some other waitress tonight.

Nope. I only have eyes for you.

That’s so sweet. I hope you have fun. But not too much. Not the bail-you-out-of-jail kind of fun.

Those days are past. That’s more Murphy and Ryder’s style than mine.

Reading his reply makes me smile and doesn’t surprise me at all. Those two have mischief written all over them. Although, Ryder was pretty reserved last night. I think he was on the verge of a food coma, though, so that could be why.

I’ve gotta get back to work.

I love you.

When I read his text, I hear his deep voice saying those magical three words and it makes my entire body tingle. “I love you” might be the most powerful words in existence.