“Everything. I think I’ve died and gone to Heaven. I need to meet the chef who cooked all this. Maybe I can hire her to be my personal chef.”

Oh, Jesus. That’s all Darius needs. He’d kill Ryder before he’d let him anywhere near his sister.

Grabbing a plate, I add a couple of small squares of pizza and a few chicken tenders. Rori picks up a couple of napkins and we sit down at the table alone.

“Last night I asked you about your visit with your mom and you said you didn’t feel like getting into it. Is there a reason for that?”

“You asked me when I called you on my break, and I didn’t want to discuss it while I was there. Then you called me on my way home from work. I was tired and didn’t want to be on the phone while I was driving. And when we got home, you didn’t give me a chance before you were ripping off my clothes. Not that I’m complaining. This morning you worked out, and I guess we both forgot about it after that.”

“I’m thinking about it now. What happened?”

“When I got to my parents’ house, Valentina and my mom were waiting in the kitchen. They told me there were pictures of us kissing all over social media.”

“Are there really?” I ask.

“One of Valentina’s friends saw us kissing and took a picture. Then she posted the pic and tagged Valentina. I guess in their eyes that qualifies as it being ‘all over social media.’ I got to hear what a horrible person I am for being with you. That was a blast.”

What the fuck is wrong with them?

“They said that?”

“I’m paraphrasing, but what they said was actually worse. I told them I didn’t care if they were upset about you and I being together and then I mentioned we’re living together.”

“For real?” I ask, stunned by her admission.

“Yeah, I wanted to prove a point.”

“What point would that be? That we’re living together?” I stare at her until she relents in the form of a one-shouldered shrug.

“I’ve already moved on from denying we’re living together.”

“Good. What made you tell your mom and sister?”

“Because the two of us are a great fit for each other. We’re fantastic together and, most importantly, we’re happy. I didn’t go into details about how little time we’ve been in this relationship. It’s none of their business, and I don’t want anyone trying to make me doubt or question how I feel about you. I know we clicked quickly, but isn’t that the way it’s supposed to be?”

I place my hand over hers on the table. “People fall in love at different rates. There’s no right or wrong way. I don’t know when I fell in love with you. It could’ve been when I looked down into your beautiful eyes that first time, or maybe it was when our lips met. I only know that I do. I love you, Rori.”

“Oh, Kaiden. I love you too.”

“And I fucking love this food,” Ryder announces from the other side of the kitchen, reminding us he’s there.

Rori and I look at him and then back at one another saucer-eyed before we start laughing.



I’m walkingtoward the bar when I see Stella come in. I hurry over to her and we practically squeeze the life out of each other. I haven’t seen her in the weeks since my niece’s birthday party. We’ve dropped a few check in texts to each other but that’s all. Like me, Stella tends to keep to herself when it comes to our family.

We part and I look her over. “How are you?”

“I’m good. From what I’ve heard from Mom, you’re doing well.” She smirks.

“I bet she had plenty to say. In fact, I’m surprised Valentina hasn’t been obsessively calling you.”

“Oh, she has. I just haven’t been answering.”

I laugh. “I bet she’s enraged.” I twist my face into the best imitation of Valentina I can muster.