Mom: We’re finishing up. Danielle wants to go to that wine bar in Marina Del Rey.

She refers to her sister by her first name. Of course. She’s not going to call her sister Mrs. Davis.

Mom: Your cousin is here. And her fiancé. She’s talking about your boyfriend. About Forest being your boyfriend.

Skye: Oh.

Mom: When did you two make it official?

Skye: Recently.

Mom: Hmm. Well, we can talk about why you felt the need to hide that later.

God, kill me know. Mom loves talking about feelings and consequences and the way the world views women.

Mom: You don’t have to come, but I hope you do. You only get one family, Skye.

Of course, they’re going to Mrs. Davis’s favorite wine bar. She loves her wine. And loves insisting everyone do things her way.

No wonder Mom’s car is missing. They probably carpooled. She’s probably smiling at Mackenzie right now, gushing over her massive engagement ring, sighing if only my daughter was engaged. Employed. Normal.

She doesn’t say it. She says everything right. But I know it’s in the back of her head. She was so happy that summer Mackenzie stayed with us.

“They’re having dinner.” I wrap my fingers around my cell. “We’re invited.”

“We’re invited?”

“Yeah.” I bite my lip. “I guess Mackenzie shared our relationship status.”

“Fuck, that was fast.”

“Yeah.” Almost like she knows we’re full of it. Like she’s testing us. “Maybe…” I suck a deep breath through my teeth. We’re doing this. It’s happening. No second-guessing. “We should make it official.”


“On social media.”

He rolls his shoulders. “They’re at your place?”

“A restaurant.” I set my cell on the dining table so I won’t reply fuck Mackenzie. “They’re going to a wine bar.”

His brow furrows with frustration. “Her mom is there?”

“Yeah.” Neither of us has to say it. Mackenzie’s mom is a high-functioning alcoholic. She’s not interested in help. And you can’t help people who don’t want help.

“You want to go?”

“Shouldn’t we?” I’d rather have a week of practice, but we need to start this eventually.

His eyes meet mine. He stares, looking for something. Finding it, I guess. He nods yeah. “We need a story.”

I nod.

“How long have we been dating?”

“A few months,” I say.

“Why haven’t we said anything?”

“It’s new. We don’t want to mess it up.”

He arches a brow really.

“Yeah, really.”

“Your entire life is on social media.”

“No. My style is on social media. There’s more to life than clothes.”

“Makeup and hair, yeah.” His lips curl into a smile.

He’s teasing me. God, it feels good. It’s rare for him.

Sure, we’re close, but he’s kinda… stoic. His smile, his laugh, his teasing words—

They’re everything.

“When have I ever mentioned a relationship on social media?” I ask.

“I’ve seen your Instagram, Skye. You have your tits out in every other picture.”

My cheeks flush. “I do not.”

He pulls out his cell. Shows off a photo from my page. A bralette I was sent a few weeks ago.

“I’m advertising the company.” I motion to the tag at the bottom of the page. “It’s for my followers.”

“Well, yeah—”

“My female followers.”

He looks at me like I’m crazy. “Fuck, Skye, I can’t even say it’s for a guy. ‘Cause what guy is there?”

“Trust me,” a bouncy voice interrupts us. “There are plenty of guys enjoying those pictures.” Holden appears in the upstairs hallway. He lets out an over-the-top groan as he pretends to wrap his hand around his cock. “I know I did.”

“If I believed you, I’d…” I don’t know what I’d do actually. Much like Forest, I’ve learned to tune out Holden. The kid lives to cause trouble. Reacting is what he wants. Only… well, I’m a lot less cool and collected than Forest.

“Take me to your room and punish me?” Holden winks as he rushes down the stairs.

“How did you hear us?” Forest shoots me a God, why is he here look.

It’s a good question. Why is he here? He has his own apartment elsewhere.

Their dad is out of town.

Ariel moved in with Chase a few weeks ago.

All right, I’m answering my own question. Why would Holden stay in his tiny studio apartment when he could crash at his dad’s massive four-bedroom pad?

The TV is huge. The liquor cabinet is stocked. The basketball court in the backyard—

Well, I don’t get sports, but Forest and Holden play all the time.

“Have you been waiting for us?” Forest shoots his brother a cutting look.

“You should drop to your knees and beg for my help,” Holden says.

“Interesting fantasy you have there,” I say.

Holden smiles, not at all bothered. “Oh, baby, you know I’m thinking of you when I say that.”

“Oh yeah?” I challenge.

He nods hell yeah. “Whatever you’re into, Skye. If you want to tie me up and spank me…” He raises a brow I know you do.

I clear my throat.

Holden is hot. Incredibly hot. Long limbs. Lean muscle. Colorful tattoos.

Devil-may-care attitude.

He even has Forest’s nose.

But that only brightens the neon sign flashing in my head: