His chest melts into my back.

My body melts into his.

He drives deeper.


“Forest.” Fuck, that’s a lot. In the best possible way.

He rocks into me with that steady pace. Again and again and again.

Until he’s shaking. Groaning into my skin. Holding me closer.

He groans my name as he comes.

His cock pulses inside me. Sends waves of pleasure through me.

God, there’s something about feeling him come.

It’s everything.

He thrusts through his orgasm. Then he untangles our bodies. Brings me back to the towel. Helps me clean up.

Fuck, it’s so intimate. I can barely look at him.

Forest helps me into my robe.

He dons his jeans. Pulls me into a tight embrace. “I tried to warn you, princess.” He presses his lips to my ear. “You made me come too fast.”

“Are you complaining?”

“No, but it means I have to take you upstairs and make you come.” He takes my hand. “Right away.”

Chapter Forty-One


Forest makes good on his promise. He uses my vibrator (okay, I packed my vibrator) to make me come three times.

Then he tosses it aside, throws me on the bed, fucks me so hard I see stars, he holds me close as he catches his breath.

Our bodies stay connected. In a different way. One that’s softer, sweeter, more love than lust.

It feels right, like we really do belong together, like this isn’t going to end in disaster.

Eventually, my phone buzzes with you’re going to be late warnings from my parents.

Forest heads to the shower.

I arrange my outfit. Fix a tea. Sip it on the balcony.

She’s there, dipping her feet in the pool.

In a red bikini.

Just like the one I was wearing.

It shouldn’t be surprising—Mackenzie only wears red. It should make my stomach churn. It shouldn’t fill my throat with jealousy.

But it does.

It echoes through my head. Has she worn it before? With him? For him?

Was he thinking about her? Replaying some fuck with her? Proving something about her?

Is he still in love with her?

Diego comes up to Mackenzie. Pulls her from the pool.

He must say something about how she needs to dress, because she follows him to the lobby.

“You okay, princess?” Forest’s footsteps move closer.

I swallow my envy. “Yeah, just…” They’re gone. There’s no evidence. No reason to believe he was thinking of her.

But what if he was?

What if he’s still in this for her?

I turn to Forest. Look up in his eyes. Try to find the courage to ask.


“Just tired.” I force a smile. “You wore me out.”

He beams with pride. The way he used to when he won a basketball game. “How much time do you need?”


“Holden.” He shakes his head he’s ridiculous. “I need to keep him occupied.”

“Go. I’ll meet you there.”

“No. I’ll be here. Just want to know how long I have to do battle. Five minutes requires a different technique than thirty.”

“I don’t mind.”

“I do.” He presses his lips to mine. “Go. Or I’m going to make you come again.”

For a second, all that tension dissolves.

Then I move into the shower and it hits me.

It stays with me as I shower, dry, dress.

As I fix my hair and makeup.

As I step into my shoes.

Is all of this for her?

Is all his love for her?

Chapter Forty-Two


“Fuck, Skye, you’re wearing that dress.” Holden blows Skye a kiss. He makes a show of fanning himself. Then pretending to check the state of his boner. “Why are you hanging out with this loser?”

“I don’t know.” Her fingers brush my tie. It’s hot pink. To match her dress. “He cleans up pretty nice.”

“And I?” He motions to his suit.

As much as I hate to admit it, Holden looks good. His grey suit fits like a glove. The blue-green tie color brings out his light eyes. Highlights his sandy hair.

He’s the only one of us who inherited Mom’s coloring. And the only one—

He was so young. I’m not sure he remembers her.

“Hmm, I’ve seen better.” Skye gives him no satisfaction.

“Better? Than this.” He spins. Stops. Strikes a model worthy pose.

She nods yeah.

“Oh, those times you creeped into my room and watched me fuck myself.” He winks at her.

“Yes, that’s exactly what I meant,” she deadpans. “I installed a camera in your room so I can watch you masturbate.”

“Our secret.” He mimes my lips are sealed.

“Yeah, it’s too bad you come so fast,” she teases. “Disappointing.”

“Baby, only ’cause I’m thinking of you.” He takes her hand. Drops to one knee. Places a kiss on the back of her hand. “I won’t lie, Skye. The first time we’re together, I might not be able to control myself. But round two—”

“You think I’m staying for round two after round one was so disappointing?” she asks.

“You’re still with Forest.”

“Forest is skilled.”

“Go on…” He raises a brow. Looks to me are you going to offer details?

“We should say hi to your parents,” I say.

“That means he’s sick of my bullshit.” Holden scans the room. But he can’t be looking for Skye’s parents, because they’re clearly at the bar, toasting, staring into each other’s eyes.