The way he flicks his tongue against my nipple—


He tortures me with slow flicks.

Click, click.

We’re recording this.

It’s so…


I tug at his wet hair.

He toys with me. Slow flicks. Fast ones. Hard. Soft. Circles. Zigzags.

The soft suction of his mouth.

The rough scrape of his teeth.

“Forest—” I dig my fingers into his chest.

“You taste like chlorine.” He moves to my other nipple. Tortures me with his soft, wet tongue. “You taste like that everywhere, princess?”

Oh my God.

“Come here.” He guides me to the edge of the pool.

I press my hands onto the wall. Push myself up.

He helps me onto my back. Spreads my legs wide. Until my thighs are pressed into the concrete.

I don’t care that I’m splayed out on the concrete.

Only that he’s between my legs.

That he’s mine.

Click, click.

My breath catches in my throat. I need him so badly. I need him now. I need him more. I need every bit of him.

He undoes the tie holding my bikini bottoms together. The right. Then the left.

The suit falls into the pool.

Then his lips are on my thighs. He tortures me with those soft scrapes of his teeth. Higher and higher.



He gets so, so close, then he pulls back. Presses his lips to the inside of my other knee.

He works his way up again. Then down the other side.

Then up again.

Up the other side.

Again and again.

Until I’m dizzy.

Until I’m panting.

Until I’m tugging at his hair, squirming, digging my heels into his back.

His lips brush my clit.

The anticipation inside me unravels. Bliss spreads through my body, taking over every single inch.

It’s intense. Like it’s the first time he’s touched me. Like it’s the first time anyone has touched me.

His lips close around my clit.

He sucks softly.

Then harder.

Hard enough the world goes white.

There’s nothing but the big sun, the bright sky, the bliss spilling through me.

I’m unraveling and winding tighter.

It shouldn’t be possible, but it is.

“Fuck.” I claw at his shoulder. He’s still wet. Slick. My hand glides over him. I can’t get a grip.

Forest takes my hand, brings it under the water, to his swimsuit.

To his cock

He’s hard.

The Lycra stretches over him. Begs for my hands.

I slip my hand into his swimsuit. Wrap my fingers around him.

I can’t move—not in this position—but I don’t care. I can feel him. That’s what I need.

He keeps me pinned.

Sucks softer and softer until—

I whimper.

He keeps that pressure.

It’s intense. It winds me quickly. Pushes me right to the edge.

I’m brimming with pleasure. It’s too much. I’m going to burst.

His nails scrape my thighs.

The hint of pain pulls me back.

It’s so much. Too much. But I still need more.

I run my thumb over his tip.

He groans, but it does nothing to slow him. Or speed him. He’s endlessly patient.

He works me exactly how I need him.

The pressure gets tighter and tighter.

Until I’m wound as tight as I can go.

Everything releases as I come.

My sex pulses. His name spills from my lips.

I claw at his shoulder. Rub his cock. Dig my heels into his back.

My orgasm crashes through me like a wave. Pleasure rolls through every inch of my body. Leaves me spent. Slack.

Forest looks up at me with a satisfied smile.

I reach for him again. He’s still hard. I need that. “Speedo off.”

“There.” He motions to the wall behind us.

The wall directly in front of the camera.

He picks up the remote—it’s right next to me.

He’s a genius.

An evil genius.

I nod hell yes.

He climbs out of the pool. Pushes his swimsuit aside.

God, that’s a glorious mental image: Forest naked, sopping wet, hard.

I need it.

I need to know if he tastes like chlorine too.

I don’t tease him. I just go.

Couch cushion on the ground. Knees on the cushion. Hand around his cock.

He groans as I take him into my mouth. “Fuck, Skye.”

I take him deeper. Deeper. As deep as I can.

Click, click.

Then I pull back and do it again.


And harder.

Click, click.

He tugs at my hair. “You’re gonna make me come, princess.”

I don’t stop.

I want to make him come. I want to taste him in my mouth. Or feel him on my chest.


I don’t care. As long as I get every ounce of his pleasure.

I grab onto his ass. Take him deeper.

He tugs at my hair. Pulls me off him. Pulls me up.

“Hands. Wall. Now.”

He doesn’t wait. He guides me to the wall. Places my body in front of his. His body behind mine.

He turns us enough to cheat to the fucking camera.

My hands slip from the wall.

He helps them back. Wraps his arm around my waist. Holds me in place as he brings our bodies together.

His cock strains against me for a moment.

Then he pushes in.

Click, click.

Slowly at first.

Then harder.

Click, click.

It’s intense. Almost too much.

Then he shifts deeper and it’s not enough.

He pins me to the wall. Drives into me with steady thrusts.

It’s fast. Hard. Perfect.

“Fuck.” He scrapes his teeth against my shoulder. “Skye.”