Static poses. Click, click. Action shots. Click, click. Cute expressions. Click, click.

He turns the corner with our water bottles. Tosses one to me. Smiles as the water bottle lands in front of me.

“What?” I pick it up.

“That was a perfect shot.”

“I don’t do sports.”

His laugh gets louder. “If you wanted me to leave, you could have said that.”

“I was thirsty.” I uncap the bottle. Take a long swig. Swallow. I am thirsty. That’s true. I’m melting.

Surrounded by water and I’m melting.

He’s too sexy. It’s wrong.

“Where do you want me?” He uncaps his bottle. Takes a swig.

God, his lips look so beautiful wrapped around the bottle.

“Skye?” he asks.


“In the pool?”

I nod.

“Not behind the camera?”

I nod.

“You know what that means, princess?”

My tongue slides over my lips.

“It means I’m going to make you groan so loud the waiters wonder if they should come to watch.”

My sex clenches. “I know.”

He pulls his t-shirt over his head. Kicks off his shoes. Pushes his jeans off his hips.

He’s wearing a black speedo. Only a black speedo.

It’s just…



My body buzzes.

He slips into the pool. Closes the distance between us.

“I, uh… I need some photos of us. You know… like a happy, sexy couple.” My fingers brush the soft skin of his stomach. Then his hip. The lines of his tattoo.

I want to be that tattoo.

To mark his skin, his heart, his soul.

Do I have that sway over him yet? Do I take up that much space?

I want it so badly.

I want him so badly.

“Are we not?” He stares down at me, his eyes wide with affection.

“Uh…” Right now, sure? But after this weekend… I can’t answer that. So I move closer. Arrange my hand just so. Click.

I cheat toward the camera.

He follows my lead.

For a dozen pictures, we stay appropriate. Hands touching, arms locked, my body in front of his.

His arms around my stomach.

His lips on my neck.

His cock against my ass.

He’s hard. It feels so good. It’s wrong, how good it feels.

Forest turns me around. He tugs my bikini cup aside until my breast is fully exposed.

He looks down at me, equal parts needy and in control. “You gonna get that one?”


“‘Cause I was hoping to fuck myself to it later.”

I just barely nod. And press the button. Click.

He cups my breast. Rolls my nipple between his first two fingers.

Softly. Then harder. Hard enough to hurt.

I let out a needy groan.

He watches himself work as he toys with me. He pushes my other bikini cup aside.

I reach around my back. Undo the clasp. The knot.

The top falls onto the pool.

Forest scoops it between his fingers. Tosses it onto the concrete. “Come here.”

“Huh?” I glide to him.

He wraps his arm around me. Pulls my body into his, until my breasts are against his chest.

He takes the remote from my fingers. Taps the button. Click, click.

Oh. Right. The photo shoot. We’re still doing that.

He brings his hand to the back of my head. Tugs at my hair. Click, click.

He turns me, so we’re both facing the camera, covers my breasts with his arm.

Click, click.

With his hands.

Click, click.

He drops his hands. So I’m on display.

Click, click.

His lip brushes my ear. Neck. Shoulder. “Princess, you have no fucking idea what you do to me.” He shifts his hips, so his cock grinds against my ass.

Then his hands are on my chest and his lips are on my neck.

He sucks on my skin as he toys with me.

Click, click.

We’re taking dirty pictures. Sure, they’re R, not NC-17, not yet.

They’re classy. Like the video we watched.

We could do that. Make our own video.

For the world to see.

Or just us.

Fuck. It sets me on fire.

Desire overtakes me. I stop thinking. I lose control of anything but my desperate urge to touch him.

My body melts into his.

He forms around me. Becomes exactly what I need. Or maybe he already is exactly what I need.

He toys with my nipple until I’m panting, then he turns me around, brings his lips to mine.

He kisses me hard. Click, click.

It’s my bare back, my swimsuit-clad ass, his barely-clothed front.

It’s a perfectly framed shot. But I don’t care.

I only care about touching him.

“That thing have a video function?” He nips at my ear.

I nod. “I… should we go upstairs?”

“We should do it here.” He doesn’t say it, but it’s there in his voice. Where we can get caught.

Because the risk is hot as hell.

Because it’s driving me insane.

Because. Just because.

I nod yes.

He nips at my neck. Harder. Harder. Hard enough I groan.

Forest toys with my neck until I’m tugging at his hair. Then he drags his lips over my shoulder, collarbone, breasts.

He takes my nipple into his mouth. Sucks softly. Then harder. Harder.


“Forest.” I reach for something. Get his stomach.

It’s strange, touching him under the water. Smooth. There’s too little friction. Too little connection.

I need more.

But I have no time to consider it.