She’s always wearing black shoes.

They’re always hot as hell.

“Keep those on.” I pull my keys from my pocket. Try to name the Dodgers lineup. Something to cool my cock. So I don’t come the second I see her naked.

Fuck, I hate baseball.

I switch to the Lakers. The Clippers. The teams’ playoff histories.

I slide the key into the lock. Push the door open.

“Forest, nice of you to join.” Holden’s voice flows from the living room.

Skye bites her lip. Presses her palm into mine. “I thought he was working.”

“That you, Skye?” he calls. “I was working, but I finished early. And look who I found on his way home from the gym? We just finished a round of free throws.”

We trade a knowing look.

He didn’t.

Did he?

I push the door open.

He did.

Holden is sitting at the table with Ariel and Mr. Kim.

Ariel’s in her usual all-black outfit. (She’s not goth or emo, just practical). A snug maternity dress.

Holden and Mr. Kim are in their workout gear.

“Ariel made chai lattes.” Holden beams with pride. Not over our sister. Over fucking with me.

Or maybe I don’t give him enough credit.

No, I give him plenty of credit.

“With almond milk?” Skye asks.

“I’ll make one.” Ariel stands. She surveys us with a knowing smile. “You look different today.”

“Me?” I ask.

“Both of you.” She looks at Skye. “I wonder what it is?”

Skye clears her throat. “We, uh…” She looks at me help me out here?

“You think I know what to say?” I whisper.

“I can’t think,” she whispers back. “Is there any way to lose them?”

“It’s Holden. He won’t leave until we admit we need the space to bone.”

She bites her lip, considering it.

“If you want to tell your dad—”

“Right.” She turns back to my family. And hers. “I’ll help.”

“I’ll make two.” Ariel moves to the counter.

“Should you be having more caffeine?” I ask.

My sister makes a show of rolling her eyes. “Hmm… I’ve been pregnant for half a year. You think I don’t know?”

“Someone has to look out for Charlotte,” I say.

“You think I’m not worried about Charlotte?” She shoots me a cutting look. “If Skye wasn’t here, I’d hit you for that.”

“You can’t hit back either. Not if you’re worried about Charlotte,” Holden says.

“Why would I hit Ariel?” I ask.

He shrugs you would.

Mr. Kim chuckles. “I remember when Skye’s mom was pregnant.” His smile gets wide. “I was worried all the time.”

“Yeah?” Ariel fills the kettle with water. She makes a show of grabbing the box of decaf chai and placing two bags in one mug. “About her? Or Skye?”

“Both. I was still in med school. I’d just finished my obstetrics round. I was terrified of all the things that could go wrong,” he says.

“Did you get over it?” she asks.

He shakes his head. “It only got worse when Skye was born. She was an easy baby. Barely cried. But I’d worry about that. Worry she didn’t know how to use her voice.”

“That isn’t a problem,” I say.

“Oh?” Mr. Kim asks.

“She loves telling me I’m an idiot,” I say.

“Only when you’re being an idiot,” Skye says.

“Oooh, I love telling him he’s being an idiot.” Ariel scoops chai leaves into the steeper. Drops the mesh ball into a plain white mug. “He’s usually pretty responsible though.”

“Go on,” Mr. Kim says.

“Or don’t,” I say.

“No, do.” Holden crosses one leg over another. “I never hear about Forest’s fuckups. Only mine.”

Mr. Kim laughs. “I don’t think Skye realizes it, but her mom and I still worry about her.”

Skye clears her throat.

“Sweetie, I’m your dad. I have to say this.” He takes a long sip of his drink. “Ariel, you make a mean cup of tea.”

Ariel smiles. “Thank you.”

He turns to Skye. “Skye got more headstrong as she got older. She was so smart and so creative. Her art teachers always wanted to give her extra work. For a while, I thought maybe I didn’t have to worry. She was getting straight As. She was helping with dinner. She was cleaning up after herself. Mostly.” He looks to me. “I didn’t realize she had only changed so much.” He turns to Skye. “She doesn’t always use her voice.”

Skye clears her throat. “I, uh…”

“I won’t embarrass you too much sweetie. I just want your boyfriend to know. He has to be careful. To make sure he’s really listening. It’s easy to look at you and see the strong, smart woman you are,” he says.

“Thank you,” she says.

“But the makeup is deceiving,” he says.

“Oh my God.” Skye shakes her head. “We are not having this conversation.”

“Okay.” His laugh is knowing. “She’s so much like her grandma. She looks just like her too.”

“I wish I’d met her.” She refers to her grandma. Supposedly, that Mrs. Kim was a rule-breaker. She had an affair with a soldier. Found out he was KIA the same day she found out she was pregnant. Or so the story goes.