“No, uh…” I don’t know. I’m not going there.

“Good luck. Seems like he likes you a lot. But guys like that… The hot ones have so many options.” Her gaze flits to my chest. “You’ll be okay if he’s a boob guy.”

“Thanks.” I scoop the clothes into the bag.

“He seems like a boob guy.”

I stare at her dumbstruck for a moment.

She stares back like we’re besties. Like she’s giving me the world’s greatest advice.


Finally, I turn, rush out the door, meet Forest outside.

He shoots me that same wicked grin. “Offering her some tips?”

“She’s jealous girls with big boobs get all the hot guys.”

He laughs. And stares at my chest. “I’d say great tits. But they are huge, yeah.”

I clear my throat.

“Fuck, princess, you have no idea how badly I want to taste your nipples.”

My cheeks flush. “We need to—”

“Eat.” He motions to the restaurant next door.

My frown is more pout than anything.

He laughs. “Don’t worry, Skye. I’m going to take you home tonight and torture you mercilessly.”

“That’s in… we promised to have dinner with my parents.”

“I know.”

“That’s eight hours away.”

“You can’t wait?”

I shake my head. Hell no, I can’t wait.

He just smiles. “Come on.” He nods to the restaurant. “You’re gonna need your strength. Trust me.”

Chapter Twenty-Nine


We finish lunch with twenty minutes of posed pictures. A second round of drinks. My sunglasses next to Skye’s. Her hand on mine.

Her in my lap.

Her in my lap in sunglasses.

Her in my lap in sunglasses, smiling.

After a dozen shots of her in my lap, I’m hard enough to cut granite.

She blushes as she slides onto the chair next to mine. “Is that really—” She does nothing to hide her stare. Or her interest.

Her eyes go wide.

Her cheeks flush.

Her breath hitches.

Princess, that’s enough. Your cunt is too close to my cock. It’s as greedy as I am. It wants your berry lips, your soft tits, your sweet cunt.

Fuck. Not helping.

I suck another sip of cold brew. This is way too much coffee. It’s good—rich and chocolatey—but it’s not helping with my hangover.

I’m too old for hangovers.

But then I’m also too old to drink a bottle of wine by myself.

To give a shit about what Mack thinks.

At the moment, I can’t remember why we’re doing this. Why we’re participating in this ruse.

I have a curvy goddess staring at my cock like she’s desperate to devour it.

Everything else is irrelevant.

Skye is—

Fuck, I’m going to drag her to the bathroom at this rate. The need in her eyes. The heave of her chest. The purple fabric hugging her tits.

“You’re off work all day?” she asks.

“Yeah.” Thank God.

“So we can go to your place?”

“Can we?”

“Right now.” Her eyes meet mine. “Or I’m going to take you in your car.”

“It will be too hot.”

“I don’t care.”

“We’ll get heatstroke.”

“Don’t care.”

“You will. When it happens. It would be a hell of a way to go, but I can’t die yet. I need to make you come again.”

Her blush spreads to her chest.

My heart warms. My limbs buzz. My cock—

Fuck, I need to stop teasing her. It’s too tempting. I’m ready to ask her to go right here, on the restaurant patio, in view of everyone who walks by the mall.


“Too far.” I need to torture her, but I don’t have the patience. Or the stamina. Not with her looking at me like that. “My dad’s house.”

“What if Holden—”

“He’s working today.”

“You’re sure?”

“I can be.” I pull up the Inked Love schedule on my phone. It’s right there. An appointment until five. “We only have a few hours.”

“You can last a few hours?”

“No. But I have other ways to make you come.”

The walk to the car is torture.

The drive is worse.

I swear, we hit every red light.

Gwen Stefani groans about something. Her ex. Fashion. Music. I don’t know.

Or care.

It takes all my concentration to keep my eyes on the road.

Finally, I pull into the driveway. It’s empty. No Holden. No Ariel. No one to fuck this up.

I love my family, but now is not the time.

I need to fill the entire house with Skye’s groans.

How loud is she when she doesn’t have to stifle her groans?

Is she breathy? Low and needy? High and desperate?

Does she scream?

Fuck, I’m already hard.

I turn the car off.

Her tongue slides over her lips. “It would be wrong to unzip your pants?”

Yeah, but I don’t have it in me to stop her. “I need a place to fuck you properly.”

Her eyes go wide.

Goddammit, it’s the best thing I’ve ever seen. Well, second best.

I reach for the door. “Inside. Now.”

She nods of course, slides out of the car, gathers her stuff.

I grab the pink shopping bag.

She blushes as my hand brushes hers. “I’m not sure I’ll be able to wear either of these.”


“I’ll spend every minute thinking about the dressing room.”


Her eyes go to her shoes. Platform combat boots. Pure Skye.