His grin gets wider. He pulls out his cell. Goes straight to a photo of Skye practicing a pole move. Something where she’s doing the splits against the pole, her heels hooked to the metal, her legs almost flat against it.

“Fuck.” Oliver chuckles. “She always look like that?”

“That’s what I’m saying.” Holden addresses his friend. “Forest keeps selling this story about how he’s not into her.”

“Maybe he’s not,” Oliver says.

“Maybe he took her to his place last night and finally fucked her.” Holden raises a brow don’t hold out on me.

Honestly, I’m not sure how sincere he is. He does love dirty stories. But it’s not like I’ve ever shared any.

Oliver laughs. “You want him to hit you, right?”

“You feeling neglected?” He winks at Oliver. “I could talk about how hot your sister is.”

Oliver’s poker face cracks. It’s quick, a second, then he catches himself. “Good one.”

“Where’s the joke? Those long legs and that light hair.” He makes a show of licking his lips. “Someone needs to show her the ropes.”

“Touch her and die.” Oliver shrugs like he doesn’t care.

Holden just laughs. He doesn’t want to fuck Oliver’s sister (well, he isn’t planning on it), but—

Shit, when it comes to Holden, there’s no telling what he wants. Or what he’s going to do.

Oliver’s sister is way too young for me. She’s still in high school for fuck’s sake. But she’s gonna be a knockout one day.

I’m old enough I look at teenagers and think “one day, they’ll be attractive.”

Better than the alternative, I guess.

“What about if I touch Skye?” Holden asks me. “If you don’t like her, you won’t mind me making a move.”

My stomach turns. No way is he touching Skye. She’s mine.

Only she’s not mine.

She’s very explicitly not mine.

I try to think up a reason for the tension in my shoulders. “She deserves better.”

“No doubt. But shouldn’t the lady make up her own mind?” he asks.

I clear my throat.

“I’m being straight with you, Forest,” Holden says. “I want to do this the honorable way. Declare my intentions to fuck your gorgeous friend.”

“You can fuck yourself,” I offer.

“Oh, she’s into that?” He mimes writing a note. “Good to know. I’ll make a video for her.”

Oliver laughs your funeral.

“Here’s the thing, Forest. I need your help. I’ve got the party planning started, but I’m not sure how to make it extra special for her,” Holden says.

My shoulders relax. He isn’t actually trying to fuck her. I know that. I’m usually better at ignoring his attempts to piss me off.

Right now—

It makes me sick, the thought of Skye in Holden’s bed.

Kissing him, touching him, promising him forever.

“For Mack and Diego’s engagement,” Holden continues. “Since the four of ya are peas in a pod.”

Oliver shakes his head you’re so dead.

“You’re trying to get her back, aren’t you?” Holden asks.

“No.” Hell no. She’s the last thing I need. Even if I still feel sick when I think about her kissing her fiancé.

“You gotta sell your ruse somehow. So I figure a big party at our place. This Saturday doesn’t work. Or next. But the one after.” He smiles. “Lots of drinks.” He winks at Oliver. “Some of those idiots who took Mack’s side after the breakup. Skye in one of those outfits that shows off her tits.”

“No,” I say.

He laughs. “It’s already happening.” He holds up his cell. Shows off a text to Mackenzie.

Holden: We’re having a party the Saturday after next. We’d love if you came. Diego too. Be there or miss out on the best party of the year.

Mackenzie: Okay. What should we bring?

Then a bunch of details. Exact time and date.

About two weeks from now.

About two weeks before the wedding.

Plenty of time for me to go crazy.

“You go off with Mack,” he says. “I’ll console Skye. She deserves better, sure, but if you’re not gonna give it to her, someone is.”

“I swear, sometimes I can’t tell how full of shit you are,” Oliver says.

“When it comes to fucking a hottie? Never.” My brother smiles at me. “I’m not an honorable man, Forest, but I do respect certain things.”

“Bros before hoes?” Oliver laughs. “That’s your code of honor?”

“If you don’t want her, let her go. Someone will take her. Might as well be me.” Holden raises a brow how about it.

Fuck no. I’ll kill you if you touch her.

I suck a breath through my teeth. He’s right.

She isn’t mine.

She’s going to be someone’s.

Hell, she likes someone.

It might be Holden. Or Oliver. Or some other guy who doesn’t deserve her.

There’s no one who deserves her.

My phone buzzes against my thigh. It has to be Skye. And I need to see it now. I need to know exactly what she thinks about this party, about this guy she likes, about where she wants to sleep tonight.

Stay in my bed, princess. Stay with me.

Fuck, what’s wrong with me? That isn’t what we’re doing.