And, even as he stood gazing at his reflection, Razim knew there was one final thing he could do to try and claim Paige forever.
Paige walked back into her room at the palace, placed her bag down on the marble floor and paused. She was back. It was almost as if she was destined to be here. Under the same roof as the man she was about to leave forever. A hard knot formed in her middle as she said that to herself. The same sensation she'd felt on the way back to the palace.
During the drive from the city apartment, as the limo had made its way through the darkness of the Qazhar evening, she and Razim had been quiet with each other. He'd seemed thoughtful, and had spent most of the journey gazing out through the window. Paige had tried to engage him in conversation, but he hadn't take the bait.
For her part, she had to admit she was glad to be away from the apartment. Going there had been a crazy idea. She shook her head. Sometimes her need for independence just got the better of her. She had a habit of gettingherself into crazy situations.
Like where she was right now. In a desert palace, with the sheikh she had married just so he could inherit his place as head of the family. Paige realized that it might be possible she would be able to leave Qazhar without speaking with any of Razim's relatives. His mother, his two brothers and his sister. They were good people and she had great affection for them.
So far, during her trip back to Qazhar, Razim hadn't even suggested she meet with any of them. Maybe he was too ashamed of this whole charade, she told herself. Perhaps he didn't want Paige going anywhere near his family. It might be his way of avoiding any awkward conversations.
It didn't matter, she told herself as she carried her bag to her bedroom. Tomorrow it would be all over and then she could make her exit. It was time to move on.
But, then again, doubt still tugged at Paige's mind. That uncertainty was caused by the way Razim had kissed her, and by the strength of his reaction back at the apartment. Paige had been convinced Razim was about to attack Abdul. She was glad it hadn't come to blows. That would just have made an impossible situation even worse.
Paige walked out through the open doors of her bedroom and out onto the terrace. The night was cool and the fresh scents wafted up from the garden which surrounded the palace. Beyond the palace walls was the desert. The sky wasablaze with stars. Paige recalled all the many nights she'd spent here.
On those occasions she'd usually had Razim next to her. Before their relationship had cooled, before she'd become sure that she'd made a terrible mistake in marrying him, she and Razim often stood on the terrace, just enjoying the peace and tranquility of the palace and its surroundings. Paige sighed, thinking of those times. She'd tried to make things work between her and Razim. But it had proven impossible.
Their relationship really had gone through two phases. The time before the arranged wedding and the time after. Even as she'd stood on the lawn, down in the garden, saying her marriage vows to Razim, she'd sensed she was making a mistake. Being with Razim before the marriage, her life had felt like she was in the middle of the most amazing, exciting storm. A ferocious whirlwind of passion, nights in Razim's bed and days spent enjoying all the trappings of his wealth and status. It had been like a dream, one from which she hadn't wanted to awaken.
But she had. With a bump.
The arguments had started a few weeks after she and Razim had been together. At first it had been small things. Little irritations. He'd started to spend time away from her. They'd argued over trivial details. What she should wear. What he had been doing while he was away from her. He'd started to become moody and often ill-tempered. At first she'd put it down to her discovering more aspects of his character.
But then it had all come to a head. And Paige had declared she'd had enough. As if she'd tempted fate, the day she'd headed to the airport had been the day Razim's father had died. He had been distraught, since his father had the physical constitution of a desert lion. Or so everyone had believed.
Paige had change her plans and then decided to stay in order to console her lover. But, even though tragedy had drawn them back together, the distance had still been there.
Soon before she had been due to leave for the US, believing her time with him was over, Razim had come to her, and said he couldn't take over as head of the family unless he was married. Right there and then he asked her to marry him. She was stunned. At first she had refused, telling him it was impossible. They were finished. She had only stayed to help him, not to become his wife.
But, as on so many other occasions, Razim had proven to be very persuasive. He eventually had made the suggestion which had changed the course of her life. She would become his wife for one year. That would allow him to take his rightful place. And then she would be allowed to leave.
Paige gazed down at the garden. Lights, cleverly hidden among the well-tended bushes and trees, illuminated the garden. That was where her marriage to him had taken place almost a year ago to the day. It had been a happy day, in spite of the surreal quality of the proceedings. She'd been dressed like a Qazhar princess, in an elegant gown, expertly tailored for her by the finest dressmaker in the kingdom.
After the wedding he had taken her away from the palace. By helicopter, they had gone into the deepest parts of the desert, to Razim's ancestral encampment. It was a place he used as a retreat. A special, magical place like something out of an ancient tale.
She and Razim had made love long into the night. After that he had held her in his arms, as they had both gazed up at the starry sky. The entire evening had been magical. Unforgettable.
But, when then they had returned to the palace, a change had come over Razim. A darkness had seemed to descend upon him. She'd seen a new Razim. One she'd hadn't liked.
All his newly acquired responsibilities seemed to weigh heavily upon him. He had become irritable with Paige. Even though he had apologized, explaining that he had been under great pressure, the frequent arguments had affected their relationship.
The following months had been difficult, until finally Paige had decided to move back to the US.
And now she was back. It felt like nothing had changed. Here she was, alone in her room. And Razim would be somewhere else in the palace. No doubt he'd be brooding and trying to prepare himself for tomorrow, she told herself.
She leaned against the balustrade. It was late. She'd slept earlier, and the last she needed, right now, was more sleep.
Paige saw a movement down in the garden. She squinted and tried to make out what it was.
The figure moved between a group of trees and was caught in the light.
Paige watched carefully as Razim walked slowly. His head was bent down. He seemed as lost in thought as he'd been when they'd returned from the city.