"Qazim!" she gasped as he pressed his mound against hers, triggering waves of pleasure.

Then he felt her tighten even more around him and he knew she was close to her peak. He didn't want her to reach that summit alone. Not this time.

He pushed into her, wanting to be completely inside her when they reached their ecstasy.

Then, with a final thrust he clung onto her, burying himself deep. She cried out, clutching onto him. Then he felt himself empty, felt her clench onto him.

They both held onto each other. Every muscle in Qazim's body strained as he held her, wanting her to be a part of him forever.


Much later, Grace woke beside Qazim. Once again, she was in his bed. It was still dark. She had no idea just how long she'd slept.

Memories of what had happened out there on the balcony flashed across her mind. She sighed quietly, anxious not to awaken Qazim who was sleeping right next to her.

She turned onto her side, facing away from him. What had happened on the balcony had been impulsive, crazy and exactly the opposite of what she'd intended.

She felt a brief surge of irritation. At herself, not at Qazim.

There was nothing she could blame him for. He had just been acting on his natural instincts, his obviously true feelings for Grace. Surely she should be pleased that he still felt that way about her. Even though she was sure he'd noticed how uneasy she'd been all evening, he still wanted her.

For Qazim, their relationship was just as it had been. Nothing had changed, as far as he was concerned.

Hadn't he been even the slightest bit curious about what had been troubling her? She knew he could be insensitive, even self-obsessed at times, but she'd expected that, at least, he might have held back until he'd found out what was on her mind.

But, out there on the balcony, Grace's mind had just about deserted her. Her body had taken over, just like it always did.

Maybe this was how it would always be.

She felt like something had taken control of her life. Or someone.


Was that why she needed to run out on him? Was that why she felt this relationship was getting too serious?

All of that didn't seem to matter to Qazim. His feelings for Grace were obvious. His passion for her was impossible to ignore.

Grace crinkled her features in the darkness.


She wasn't pleased with that realization. It made things way too complicated. She had not come here tonight to confirm that he felt that way about her.

After the time on the balcony, they had inevitably come to his bedroom. They had continued where they had left off. And, as usual, it had been incredible.

Grace chided herself for being so weak. What was it about Qazim the made it almost impossible to turn her back on him?

It wasn't necessarily to do with his incredible wealth, his astonishing looks, or the force of his personality. All of that would have been enough for most women.

But there was something else, and it was that which made her feel the fear she had been experiencing these past couple of weeks. Ever since the doubts had started tugging at her, Grace had started to consider ending this crazy, insane, wonderful relationship.

Because she had to.

It was the idea that she could have any kind of future with this man, she'd told herself over and over. That she and Qazim could even have the slightest chance of a future together.

That was what frightened her.

She wasn't sure why, but when she thought of being tied down, even with someone like Qazim, that thought filled her with dread. A feeling of being confined. That was why she loved her job so much. She could work hard, be independent and keep everyone at arm's length.