Because that was what Qazim needed to do. She was his now, even if she didn't realize it. He had claimed her in the most primal and primitive way, and now she was a part of him.

And he was determined to act on that certainty.

He wondered if she felt as strongly about that as he did. Judging by the passion he had drawn out of her, he was sure she did.

But, tonight had caused him to doubt some of that certainty.

He stood and moved to the end of the table. Grace watched him as he advanced toward her. Her features were set in a steady expression which revealed nothing on the surface. But he knew what was going on beneath that calm, impassive exterior.

Grace wanted him. As much as he wanted her.

He halted in front of her and reached out a hand. She glanced at his extended hand and hesitated.

"Would you like to go out on the balcony?" he asked. "It's a beautiful night."

Grace glanced through the windows. "Okay," she said casually. She took his hand and stood.

Through a set of double doors, there was a wide balcony area protected by a high glass wall, the top of which was open to the night air. It was the place Qazim went whenever he needed to clear his mind. And right now that was exactly what he needed to do. Emotions were swirling around inside him.

Qazim led Grace out onto the balcony. As they stepped out, hand in hand, he felt the welcome sharpness of the cool night air. The breeze lifted strands of Grace's blonde hair and made it dance in the semi-darkness.

The sun had gone down. The only thing which held back the darkness of the night outside were the bright lights of the city far below.

The platform of the balcony stretched the entire length of this side of the building. They walked together. He tightened his hold on Grace's hand, savoring the softness of her skin, the firmness of her grasp.

At the far end of the balcony they halted. Qazim gazed down at the city.

"Everything seems so small from up here," Grace sighed peering downward.

Qazim knew that heights didn't bother her at all. Just as well, he thought. The view of the drop sometimes made even him feel a touch of vertigo.

She looked up at him. "Must make you feel like you're master of this domain. Like the city belongs to you."

"Just the city?" he teased. Grace frowned slightly and he continued, trying to sound sincere. "It does, sometimes," he agreed and then looked at her. He lifted a brow to make sure she knew he wasn't being entirely serious.

Qazim thought about his two older brothers. They had their own domains. Both had married American women.

Zaheer had his world of palaces which he enjoyed with his wife Becca.

Riaz had his desert existence, a primitive and traditional life that was inconceivable to Qazim. It didn't matter what he thought. Riaz seemed happy enough with his new wife, Eva.

It was true what their parents said about the Al Shirah brothers. They were all so different from one another.

A question flickered into Qazim's mind. Was he about to be the third brother to take an American bride? He looked at Grace and considered that thought. She would be a fine wife, but could he dare even begin to hope for such a thing to happen?

Grace smiled at him and shook her head. "I thought you were going to at least try and be humble," she said.

"Me? Humble?" he snorted. "Never. You should know that about me by now."

He heard her sigh. "I suppose I do," she said softly, tilting her head.

Now what had she meant by that? Even as he asked himself that question, he realized he wasn't sure he wanted to know the answer. Had there been a hint of regret in her voice?

Qazim turned to Grace. "What's going on, Grace?"

Her eyes widened. "What do you mean?"

Qazim tilted his head. "You haven't been yourself all night."