But, she'd resisted. The same as she'd done once or twice since she'd moved into the palace. And now he was married to her. He thought about that for a moment.

Grace was now his wife!

Sensation surged in him as he played with that thought.

One part of his destiny had been achieved, at least.

Grace was with him now.

And their child would be born and brought up in this palace. Qazim gazed down the length of the corridor. This would be where he and Grace would build their life together.

If she gave it all a chance.

When she'd settled against his body down in the garden, as they'd danced slowly, watched by all their guests, Qazim had felt intense emotion seize hold of him. Just holding her close had given him such a powerful sense of connection and joy.

But, when he'd felt her weaken slightly and settle harder against him, he'd been filled with the familiar protective impulse that seized him every time Grace looked like she needed some support and help.

And he'd done what he had done every day these last two weeks. What he intended to do every day in the coming months.

And years?

Doubt clung to him. He hated the feeling of that uncertainty. But, he'd felt that awful, unwelcome, uncertainty sharply as she'd stood at the door to her suite and effectively restated the rules they'd agreed to.

There would be no intimacy between them.

They would not share a bed.

They would never be alone in either her suite, nor his.

The very thought of that made every muscle in his body tighten, caused his jaw to firm into a thin, hard line. How was he going to cope with that? It was almost unthinkable. But, it had been exactly what he'd agreed to. And he was a man of his word. If nothing else, Qazim prided himself on keeping his promises.

And with Grace now his wife, the pressure to keep those promises would be even more intense.

But he would behave toward her as a man of honor.

Qazim had seen the way his parents had already accepted Grace as one of their own. He was proud of the fact that Grace was now a member of his family. And that soon, he and Grace would have a family of their own to cherish.

He should be grateful for that, he realized. And he was.

But, one question, tainted him on a daily basis.

Why was fate determined to test him like this? Was it his destiny to suffer like this, just so that he could claim Grace as his precious wife? Just so that they could create a family, of sorts? Just so that Qazim could have an heir?

Qazim halted at the top of the stairs. Emotions surged through him as he grasped onto the marble balustrade. From downstairs, he could hear the strains of music and the laughter of guests. The sounds of happiness. He shook his head grimly.

But not for him, were the simple pleasures of the wedding night.

Qazim heard footsteps from the bottom of the staircase. He saw his older brother, Zaheer at the bottom step. Zaheer looked up at Qazim. "Everything okay?" Zaheer asked. His voice echoed in the huge expanse of the hallway. "And Grace?"

Qazim nodded. "She's just tired."

Zaheer started to make his way up the stairs. Qazim sighed. He wasn't sure he was ready for a wedding day talk with his wise brother.

"Becca asked me to come and check," Zaheer said. "She didn't want to come herself, in case it got Grace worried. So she sent me instead."

Qazim gripped the cold marble. "She's fine."

Zaheer halted at the top of the stairs. He gazed with steady, penetrating eyes at Qazim. "You're supposed to be happy," he said.