So how come Grace was holding back from dedicating herself to Qazim in just the same way, with the same level of commitment? Leaning against him, she reached down and settled a hand across her belly. That was why she had agreed to be here now, with Qazim. Even if it was all a lie, she was here because of the life they had created together.

The music seemed to fade into the distance and, leaning close against him, she was sure she could feel Qazim's heartbeat, a steady, strong rhythmic pulse. For a moment, Grace felt a little unsteady on her feet and she leaned harder against him.

Qazim reacted immediately. She felt his body stiffen and he glanced down at Grace. "Is there something wrong?" he asked quietly.

Grace shook her head and looked up at him. "I'm fine. It's just a little warm, I guess," she explained.

"We must go inside," he declared.

She leaned away from him and glanced out across the faces of the guests. It wouldn't do to create a spectacle, she told herself. "No. It's okay. There's no need to cause a fuss," she said to Qazim.

He shook his head. "No," he stated firmly. He moved away from her, but held onto her hand. He led her back to their table, but didn't sit down. Instead, he addressed the guests. "My esteemed and honored guests, myself and Grace are going to retire indoors for a short spell." He glanced out beneath the canopy. "Today, the sun has obviously decided to shine on our wedding. Perhaps a little too warmly, in fact," he joked.

There was laughter. Grace looked across at Qazim's family members. Becca, Tariq and Zaheer were sitting alongside Qazim's parents. On the other side of their table sat Riaz and Eva. She saw a look of mild concern on the faces of her now sisters-in-law. Grace smiled at them, needing them to know that everything was okay, but neither of them looked completely convinced.

"My new wife and I thank you all for attending our wedding. It has been a true pleasure to welcome you all. You have graced us with your presence and we will always be truly grateful."

Grace forced herself to smile. "Yes, everyone. Thank you for coming."

There was another huge wave of applause.

Grace felt a sudden relief sweep over her at the prospect of getting back into the palace building. Of course, the day had been everything she'd hoped it would be. But, right now she needed to get off her feet and rest a while.

The applause continued accompanied by wild, celebratory music from the Qazhar musicians. Grace walked alongside Qazim as they made their way back to the palace.

They walked up the steps and onto the terrace. The same one she and Qazim had stood on two weeks before, on the night he'd asked her to marry him. That seemed like such a long time ago, now.

As she followed Qazim into the palace, Grace thought about the whirlwind of activity which had made this wedding happen so quickly. Probably in record time, she thought.

Two weeks. Everything had been done so quickly. But, then again, maybe she shouldn't have been surprised at the way Qazim had handled things. She knew he was decisive and that, when he'd wanted something done, he'd made sure it happened, exactly as he wished.

She'd been fitted with her wedding gown; the reception had been arranged; the guest list compiled and finalized; the catering had been secured.

All of it done with bewildering speed and efficiency.

Grace followed Qazim into the cool, marble-surfaced hallway and halted. She felt slightly breathless, but also relieved to feel the pleasing coolness of the air here.

Qazim halted alongside Grace, cupping her elbow in his hand. "You okay, Grace?" he asked.

Grace nodded and drew in a deep, calming breath. She looked at Qazim. "You don't think they'll be concerned that we left so early?"

Qazim shrugged. "As far as they're concerned, I just want you to myself." He grinned. "I'm sure they can all understand that a man wants to be alone with his new bride."

Grace felt a flicker of emotion in her middle. She smiled back at him, uncertain how to respond to that last comment.

Qazim slid an arm around Grace's waist. "Do you want to lie down?"

Grace nodded. "I think so."

They walked up the marble staircase and reached the upper floor. She could hear the music from outside in the garden as she and Qazim made their way down the long corridor toward Grace's bedroom.

Yes, she thought. Her own, solitary bedroom. Not his.

Qazim's bedroom was a few doors down from hers, just as they'd agreed when Grace had moved into the palace a week ago. She still remembered his reaction when she'd repeated her request that she have a room to herself. His features had tightened into an impassive mask. She had seen the frustration in his eyes. Had he thought she hadn't been serious when she'd made that one of her conditions of marrying him?

That they sleep in separate rooms.

For the past few nights, she'd slept in the palace, while getting ready for the wedding. And every night, she'd expected to hear a gentle tap on the door which would announce Qazim's presence.