Qazim raised a brow. "Don't I look happy?"

Zaheer narrowed his eyes and examined Qazim for a moment. "Not as much as I'd have expected."

Qazim turned away from Zaheer. "You're seeing things, brother. Maybe Becca's been whispering in your ear."

Zaheer came alongside Qazim and they started to walk along the corridor. "Give me at least some credit," Zaheer said. "Becca doesn't decide everything in our household."

Qazim lifted a querying brow. "Why don't I believe that?"

"You can believe what you want," Zaheer replied. "I any case, you're about to find out what it really means to be married to an American woman who has a mind of her own."

Qazim peered at Zaheer. "It's that obvious, is it?"

Zaheer nodded. "I'm not the only one who has noticed that Grace likes to get her way." Zaheer laughed quietly. "I know exactly how it feels to be on the receiving end of that."

"You're complaining about being married to Becca?" Qazim asked incredulously.

Zaheer shook his head sharply. "Of course not." He smiled. "Becca's amazing. And Tariq."

Qazim could see the sheer pride on Zaheer's features as he thought about his wife and son. Would that be how he would feel in a year or so? Qazim hoped so.

"You're a lucky man, Qazim."


Zaheer squinted at Qazim. "You know that Grace is pretty amazing, don't you? I don't have to point that out to you, do I?"

Qazim shook his head. "Of course not. I know I just married a really special woman."

Zaheer rested an arm across Qazim's shoulders. "And you're about to find out what I already know."

Qazim felt a sudden shock. Did Zaheer know about the baby?

"Being married is wonderful thing," Zaheer continued. Qazim felt relieved he'd merely misunderstood Zaheer's meaning.

"Marriage has changed everything in my life, Qazim. To have the love of a beautiful woman is the most special thing a man can have."

Qazim nodded, but said nothing. It was clear his brother felt the need to say these things to him. That was the real reason he'd come into the palace. Why he'd sought Qazim out.

"Grace will bring you every happiness you could imagine. I know it. I can feel it in my bones," Zaheer said.

If only his brother knew that Qazim's marriage to Grace wasn't designed to last, he wouldn't be saying these words.

Qazim felt Zaheer grasp his shoulder. They halted just outside the door to Qazim's own personal suite. Zaheer peered at Qazim with a look of brotherly affection.

"I came here to wish you every happiness, brother. I wanted be the first to say that to you. Here. Just you and I, with no-one else around."

Zaheer held firmly onto both Qazim's shoulders.

"Thank you, Zaheer," Qazim said. "I appreciate everything you've done for me." He laughed. "Eventually, I got the message you were trying to drum into me all these years. Marriage is the only way."

Zaheer shrugged. "I was only trying to guide you onto the right path."

"And it looks like you've succeeded," Qazim said.

Both brothers exchanged a smile and then hugged. It was rare for Zaheer to show such affection, Qazim reflected. He thought about all the advice Zaheer had given him all these years. Advice on when to marry; advice on the wisdom of marriage; advice on the necessity of taking a wife.

And the joy that fatherhood would bring.