Qazim was pleased, though. Glad to be supported by these people. People he loved. They were family. And that was all that really mattered when it came down to all the important decisions in life. He'd witnessed what Zaheer had gone through in winning Becca's hand in marriage. He'd seen how much Zaheer had suffered. But, in the end there had been triumph. For Zaheer and for Becca. A happy ending.

Qazim wanted the same for himself and Grace. The happy ending. But, it wasn't going to be easy. And it might not happen right away.

But, he was determined it would happen.

And, part of that tonight, held the promise of a truly momentous decision.

Qazim hadn't told anyone about the baby. He couldn't have done that. He had to respect Grace, and revealing that would have put her in an awkward position. Especially now that she'd come to Zaheer's palace.

But, Qazim had made it absolutely clear to every one of his brothers and sisters-in-law, that Grace meant everything to him. That he needed their help.

And why had he agreed when Becca had offered to go to Grace's apartment and persuade Grace to come for a family gathering, on her last evening in Qazhar?

Because there was no other option. That was why. It was his last chance. Qazim had realized that time was running out. He needed to make a grand gesture that would demonstrate the importance of him and Grace staying together.

And, there was no better way of doing that than showing Grace just what life was like for two women who had already made the decision to remain in Qazhar. Two American women who had married Qazhar sheikhs and were enjoying life to the full.

If he let Grace see what it really meant, then perhaps, Qazim thought, she might be tempted to stay. Might even be tempted to become his wife, even if it would only be a wife of convenience.

To begin with, at least, Qazim told himself. It would be a start. It would give him the chance to make it into something lasting.

A convenient marriage always had the possibility of turning into something more permanent. The simple fact of living with Grace would give Qazim all the opportunity he needed to show her just where she belonged.

With him, by his side. Being loved and cherished.

Qazim had held onto that thought all day, since he'd left Grace at her apartment.

He heard footsteps and voices. Laughter. The squeal of Tariq's voice. More laughter and words he couldn't quite make out.

Qazim glanced at the other three people in the room. They all gazed steadily right back at him.

It was his time, now.

Butterflies fluttered in Qazim's stomach. He moved quickly to the wide-open, high double doors. Just as he reached the doors, Becca appeared, carrying Tariq in her arms. Anilya was beside Becca.

And, right behind them, was Grace.

Qazim's heart raced even quicker. Just seeing her again had an instant effect on him. She glanced at Qazim. If he'd expected her to be glad to see him, then he was quickly disappointed. Her gaze was stern and unflinching.

Then Becca cried out. "We're here!" Becca looked at Qazim. "Maybe you should do the honors, Qazim," she said. "Introduce Grace," she said turning to look at Grace, who looked suddenly awkward.

Becca handed Tariq to Anilya. Becca and Anilya walked past Qazim leaving him standing next to Grace. There was a long pause and then Qazim slid his hand to Grace's back and prompted her to step into the room.

"Everyone, I'd like you to meet, Grace. She's been working with me for the past few months."

Qazim felt Grace's body stiffen slightly as they moved further into the room. All eyes were on Qazim and Grace.

Zaheer and Riaz stood and came forward. They both bowed formally.

"It's an honor to meet you, Grace," Zaheer said.

Riaz nodded. "I'm honored also," he said.

Eva scoffed loudly and came to Qazim and Grace. Eva shook her head and peered at her husband, Riaz. "I think what Riaz means is that we're so happy to meet you, Grace."

Eva gave Raz one more look of admonishment. Qazim tried to suppress a smile. That was just like Eva. She always preferred telling it like she saw it. She had no time for pretence or formality.

Eva came to Grace and hugged her. Both women exchanged air kisses.