Page 9 of The First Taste

“I know.”

She’s ridiculous. It’s part of why I love her. She’s always all in. I wish I was better at that.

“Now,” she says, “if you want to get laid. Or get some time alone with Holden. Or convince him to take your virginity…” She shoots me an I know you do look. “I can help.”

I shake my head. “I don’t need help.”

She laughs yeah right. “You do need help. But that’s what I love about you.”

“My awkwardness?”

“Your Daisy-ness.”

“And I’m the one who’s full of it?” I raise a brow really?

“You admit you want to fuck Holden?”

“I can want that without—”

“That’s where we disagree.” She motions to the lacy bra sitting in the no column. “If you want him, you should go for him. Have him. Experience the perfect first.”

I clear my throat.

“Don’t tell me you don’t think about it.”


“I know you do.”


“I won’t push.”

I shoot her a really look.

“I won’t push too much.” She smiles. “But he’s very—”

“Hey,” a deep voice interrupts. Oliver knocks. “Can I come in?” He’s very respectful of my privacy. More than I’d expect, given what happened last year.

“Come in,” Luna calls. “We’re… well, I’m never decent, but I am dressed.”

He chuckles. Steps inside. Looks over the room.

It’s not as neat as it usually is—there are clothes all over the bed—but otherwise, it’s normal. Same clean white walls. Same framed posters of classic novels. Same stack of paperbacks on the desk.

Same Berkeley pennant on the wall.

Oliver bought it for me when we first visited the school.

When I got in, he and dad threw me a huge party. Bought me every single item of clothing in the store.

I’ll never run out of navy and gold sweatshirts.

“Hey Luna.” Oliver nods hello. “You packed?”

She shakes her head no way. “I’ll do it morning of.”

“We’re leaving in two days.” There are so many things to do. Sunscreen to buy, plans to make, summer assignments to finish.

“You’ll make sure she has fun?” Oliver asks.

She returns a wicked smile. “Of course.”

“Not too much?” he asks.

She shakes her head no fucking way.

Oliver chuckles figures. Turns to me. “You need anything? I’m going to the pharmacy.” The implication hangs in the air. Do you have your prescription?

I appreciate the concern, I do, but I wish he’d give me space. “Only sunscreen.”

“Condoms,” Luna says.

His chuckle deepens. “You have a preference?”

Oh my God.

She laughs at my blush. “Ribbed. For her pleasure.” She winks at me.

“Sure.” He turns to me. “If you’re going to be with someone, I want you to be safe.”

“Did Dad tell you to say that?” I ask.

He nods. “He’s got a whole talk planned.”

“Oh God.” Please no.

“It sounded pretty thorough.” He pats me on the shoulder. “Good luck.”

“Thanks.” I’m going to need it.

Not just for the talk.

For this entire trip.

And the year after.

But, one thing at a time.

First, I survive a week away from home, with my brother, my best friend, and the guy I can’t get out of my head.

Then, I figure out the rest of my life.

Chapter Five


Between rearranging appointments and prepping for the trip, I stay busy.

Oliver stays worried and over-protective.

Daisy stays sweet and accommodating. In text, at least.

And my cock—

He stays a difficult motherfucker. No matter how much I reason how about I go out tonight, find another woman, take off the pressure, the damn thing refuses.

It’s settled on Daisy.

Which isn’t happening.

Sure, I imagine it every night before I fall asleep. And every morning. And in the shower.

But, that’s just good sense.

“Don’t fuck her.” Forest sets my electric blue suitcase on the curb. He pushes his trunk closed. Stares me dead in the eyes.

He uses his usual I’m an older brother and I know best. I practically raised you, what with dad being despondent about mom’s death stare.

He really does fit a lot into that stare.

I appreciate the effort. Not just the stare. But him picking up the slack. I’d never tell him—better to keep him guessing—but Forest is a great brother.

“Do you really think he’s going to fuck her?” Skye rests her head on Forest’s shoulder. She’s considerably shorter than he is, but in her platform combat boots, she’s in prime position for the gesture.

It’s cute.

They’re really cute.

She’s hot as fuck—she squeezes her curvy figure into the world’s sexiest black clothes—but I’ve never really seen her that way.

She’s always been the girl Forest wanted, even when he didn’t realize it.

And she’s always had eyes for him.

“Are you jealous?” I wink at Skye. “I have room for you too.”

“Uh-huh.” She shakes her head sure. She knows I wouldn’t actually fuck her. She still enjoys the teasing. Well, she enjoys how Forest gets all jealous and protective.

No doubt takes her home and fucks her senseless and growls you’re mine.

“You want to come, Skye? I’ll buy your ticket. We can get some great shots for your Insta.” I offer her my hand. “Some dirty ones for just us.”