Page 108 of A Love Catastrophe

I go through new tags first, thanking people and commenting on posts, before I switch to my email. I start at the oldest ones first, scheduling responses to go out first thing in the morning so I don’t get replies in the middle of the night on a Sunday.

There are several new client emails. There’s now an integrated form so people can provide details up front, including days and times they would be looking for cat-sitting services, whether it’s long or short term, and the age and personality of their pet. That way, when we’re looking to pair them with one of the Kitty Whisperer staff, we can assess who would be a good fit before we’ve even had a chance to meet.

As I’m working through my emails, one in particular catches my attention. It’s from a prominent and well-known animal rescue association. I click on the email and read the contents:

Dear Ms. Hart,

As longtime fans of Brit Sheers and her heavy involvement in cat and animal rescue initiatives, we watched your segment on your cat-sitting and training service business, and we love what you’re doing. We’re currently in the process of developing a new initiative in Toronto that focuses on cat rehabilitation and pairing cats in need of special care with loving humans. With your knowledge and experience in the field, we feel you would make an incredible addition to our team. Your gentle approach would make you a fabulous leader for our carefully selected staff. We would love to meet with you to discuss this further at your earliest convenience. You can find out more about this pilot project HERE.

We look forward to hearing from you and hope that you’ll consider joining the A Place for Paws Team.


Mary Jane Felt

CEO of A Place for Paws

I read the email over at least six times before I finally click on the link. And my heart melts. The proposed initiative is to create a training and adoption program for cats that have various exceptionalities with a focus on integration and regular visits from the staff at A Place for Paws while the adopted cats transition into their new homes.

It’s essentially my dream job. And they want me to help lead the pilot project.

My stomach does a few flip-flops as I compose a response. I pause to scratch Prince Francis’s head when he butts it against my thigh. “I feel like everything is falling into place. How much would you love to be the older brother to a whole bunch of kitties?” I give him a scratch under the chin, and he yawns widely. “I see how it is. You’re playing it cool. What an amazing opportunity. I have to go for the interview.”

Prince Francis meows his agreement.

I hit Send on the email.

chapter twenty-nine



This is clearly fate telling us that you’re supposed to move to the city and we’re destined to live together.” Miles kisses me on the temple, then trails several more along my cheek until he reaches my lips.

“Let me get the interview under my belt before you go dusting off your crystal ball.” Any other thoughts I would like to put into words get lost in my head when he covers my mouth with his and kisses me breathless.

Half an hour and two orgasms later, Miles and I are sitting on the couch in his living room. Wilfred and Prince Francis are close by, snuggling in Wilfred’s bed. Which is also now Prince Francis’s bed. Those two are practically inseparable these days. And on the nights where we’re not here at Miles’s, Prince Francis is mopey, as though he misses his best four-legged friend.

“I can put a pin in making officially official plans for you and Prince Francis to move in with me and Wilfred until you’ve gone for the interview, but this job sounds perfect for you.” Miles adjusts my legs so they lie across his lap.

“It really does.” I called Miles last night to tell him the news, after which he went on a Google mission to find out everything he could about the company. Then he created a pros and cons spreadsheet about taking the job over continuing to grow the Kitty Whisperer. And he also created a third column, with the potential to continue to do both without burning myself out.

“If you want to do both, you can, and there’s real potential for the Kitty Whisperer to continue expanding, if that’s your goal. I bet they’d even be willing to partner with you if you brought that to the table. You’re an invaluable resource, Kitty, and they clearly see that. Your face on their pilot project will go a long way to making it successful. Ask for what you want tomorrow, and tell them you don’t want to give up what you’ve built. And if you like what they’re offering you, then ask them to help you find a way to make it work.”