Page 35 of A Love Catastrophe

I’m thankful we’re going to ignore the semi flashing. “Oh yeah, I’m glad you made yourself at home. Did you sleep okay? Thanks again for last night. I know it probably wasn’t how you expected your evening to go.” Neither of us seems to be able to hold eye contact for more than a millisecond.

This feels a lot like the awkward aftermath of a one-night stand, but without the sex.

And suddenly an image of Kitty, naked, in my bed, wearing her leopard-framed glasses, pops into my head. Which is a ludicrous fantasy, considering all I’ve managed to be for her so far is a giant pain in the butt. I blink twice and try to focus on other things. Like the enthusiastic sound of Wilfred snort-eating his food.

A knock at my door prevents Kitty from responding.

I glance at the clock on the stove. It’s just after seven. “I’ll be right back.”

Sometimes my neighbor down the hall borrows cream or sugar. I throw open the door and find not my neighbor, but Josh, ready to use the spare key to let himself in.

“Hey, man, why aren’t you dressed? We gotta be at the rink in an hour, and I want to stop at the bakery first. I have a hankering for a cinnamon roll.” He brushes past me, and I don’t have a chance to warn him that we’re not alone before he reaches the living room and comes to an abrupt halt. “Oh. Hey. Hi there. Why didn’t you tell me you had company?” He glances from Kitty to me, one eyebrow raised.

She’s still dressed in yesterday’s outfit, but it’s significantly more rumpled. Which means she probably had to sleep in it. I should have given her a shirt or something. Then it would smell like her perfume.

I inwardly cringe at how creepy that sounds in my head. And I realize, belatedly, how this must look to him.

“I had an allergic reaction,” I explain.

His eyebrows try to touch each other over the bridge of his nose.

“I drove Miles to the hospital. And then home. And the doctors said he shouldn’t be alone, so I stayed to make sure he wouldn’t blow up like a balloon again. I’m Kitty.” She steps around the counter and wipes her hand on her pants before extending it.

Josh takes her much smaller, delicate hand in his. For reasons that mystify me, it makes me want to punch him in the face.

“Hi, Kitty. It’s nice to meet you.” He gives her his customary smirk. “I’m Josh. Miles and I work together. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

And now I have different, less territorial reasons for wanting to punch him.

“Oh?” Her gaze slides my way, her tone dripping sarcasm. “All good things, I’m sure.”

Josh either misses the sarcasm or decides to ignore it. “Only the best. You’re kind of internet famous, aren’t you?”

She giggles and waves a hand around in the air. “I’m not famous.”

“You’ve got a pretty huge following on social media and some real dedicated fans.”

Bless her sweet, innocent heart, Kitty’s eyes light up, as though she’s found a kindred spirit in Josh. “Are you a cat lover?”

Before he can say something highly inappropriate, I interrupt. Unlike me, Josh is a ladies’ man, and for whatever reason, that smirk he has should be patented as a panty remover. And I do not want him trying to remove Kitty’s panties. Ever. Or flirting with her. That’s a realization I’m not sure what I should do with.

“Hey, uh, not that this isn’t a welcome surprise.” I hope he catches the hint of derision. “But what are you doing here?”

He gives me a look. “We gotta be at the rink in—” He glances at the clock on the stove. “Fifty-four minutes.”

That’s right. He said that when he first arrived. “Shit.” I glance at Kitty, standing a few feet away, looking beautiful despite her rumpled clothes.

“I can take the train home,” she says. “I wanted to make sure that you were feeling okay before I left, and you definitely are.” Her gaze dips to my waist, and her cheeks flush for what seems like the millionth time this morning.

Stupid body, being a jerk and embarrassing us both.

“Why don’t you take my car?” I blurt without thinking about what I’m offering and who I’m offering it in front of.

Josh’s head whips around. I don’t make eye contact, though, or even glance in his direction. Instead, I stay completely focused on Kitty.

She, however, does glance in Josh’s direction. “Oh, uh, that’s not necessary. It’s been a while since I’ve taken the train. It’ll be an adventure.”

“I’m heading your way to see my mother later this afternoon. And I’m totally used to the train. At this time of day it’ll take a while, and then you’ll still have to get from the station back to your car. And you’ve been more than generous with your time.” I grab the keys from the counter and hold them out to her. This is the perfect way to get myself off her shit list, show my appreciation, and get her away from Josh. “Seriously. I insist. You’re a great driver. I trust you with my baby.”