Page 34 of Dirty Desires

Come as you.

Wear this underneath.

And the combat boots.

I want you in my bed in nothing but those boots.

– Ian

Chapter Twenty-One


We drive straight to an expensive department store in Brooklyn.

Lock motions to my credit card. Explains that Mr. Hunt wants me to have everything I need. For our weekend in the Hamptons. Dinners. Parties. Evenings we spend at home.

I focus on the beach attire. Breezy cover-up, black sandals, bikini. Black, ink purple, oxblood. Dark, saturated colors that feel like me.

Addie buys everything in pale shades of blue and pink. Similar but completely different.

When we’re finished with the first round of shopping, we climb back into the car, and drive to a boutique in the Village.

Somehow, Lock finds parking right away.

He helps Addie out of the car. Then me. “When Mr. Hunt told me about your style, I was worried I wouldn’t find a place that meets your needs. I don’t want to put you in a box, Eve. I can already tell that wouldn’t work.”

Uh… sure.

He takes in my outfit—a black crop top, ripped high waist shorts, combat boots. “Even if I put you in some simple black sheath and pearls.” He chuckles knowingly. “I once bought pearls for a companion of Mr. Marlowe’s and I never heard the end of it.”

Huh? I look to Addie but she’s equally stumped.

“A crude slang. I’m afraid I can’t bring myself to explain it. I’m sure…” He stifles a laugh. “Mr. Hunt will be more than happy to go into detail. He’s a very… enthusiastic man.”

I seriously need these lessons in British conversation. I can tell he means something by the way he emphasizes the word enthusiastic. But I have no idea what it is.

“You were saying?” I have Google. I can look up necklaces and pearls. But I’m not sure I want to know. “About the clothes?”

“Yes, Eve. Thank you.” He motions to the boutique on our right.

A bright, open shop with three mannequins in the window. One in a fabulous red dress. Another in a more elegant black number. The third in a jumpsuit. All very trendy and cool. Dressed up enough to blend without looking stuffy.

“I’d hate to dress you like Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany’s,” he says. “Not that I dress anyone. I facilitate. The women here will help outfit you in exactly what you need.”

“What do I need?” I ask.

“Are they going to a gala or something?” Addie asks. “It was just dinner with his friend, no?”

“Yes, Thursday it’s dinner with Mr. And Mrs. Marlowe. But there are other events. Other dinners. Galas even. Mr. Hunt has a busy social calendar and he’d like Ms. Miller… Eve to be prepared, should he request her company,” Lock says.

He wants me around. If he decides he wants me around later.

Is the hesitation Lock’s lack of information? Or is Ian just… playing things by ear? Is he going to toss me aside the second he fucks me?

The thought shouldn’t bother me—four-hundred grand is four-hundred grand—but it does.

Addie looks to me with concern in her eyes. “How old is he?”

I clear my throat. “That’s not important.”

Her blue eyes go wide. “Now, I know it is.”

“Marisol is twenty.” I’m not helping my case.

Glare fills her eyes. For a second. Then it’s gone. Replaced with disappointment. Addie doesn’t get angry. She jumps straight to disappointed. And right now—

Lock saves me. “Ms. Miller, I’m happy to discuss Mr. Hunt with you—this information is all very easy to find—but after we help your sister find a few gowns. She’s welcome to wear something from her closet. But Mr. Hunt would like her to feel comfortable. And some of the people in his social circle… certain styles read as bold. Others as clueless.”

“And her current clothes are clueless?” Addie asks.

“It’s okay, Addie.” I follow Lock into the shop. “I felt it when I met him for dinner. Like I’d worn shorts to prom.”

Curiosity streaks her expression. “You want to fit in?”

“Not exactly. More…”

“Sparkle,” Lock offers. “Stand out for your luster, beauty, unique style. Not for your…”

“Cheap clothes?” I offer.

He chuckles. “New Yorkers are so blunt. It’s charming.”

“How long have you been in New York?” I ask.

“Enough I know you’re typically more blunt. New Yorkers, that is. All you Yanks are so matter-of-fact. So I’ll be matter-of-fact with you.”

Something tells me his idea of matter-of-fact is not the same as mine.

Lock continues, “Mr. Hunt has never shown an interest in ‘alternative’ women before. But he’s rather fixated on your punk rock style. He wants you to dress as you. At all times.”

Addie shoots me an I know he means sex look.

I hide behind my purse.

“I’m here to help you blend… as much as you want. He’d happily bring you to dinner in this outfit.” Lock chuckles knowingly. “Quite happily. Those shorts are cut rather high.”

Addie’s laugh melts the tension in her brow. “She does dress a bit provocatively.”