“Probably for the thrill of it.” I shrugged. “I came down hard on her earlier. Don’t like her being here. Club’s supposed to be closed-door. Not sure why Sting lets her visit even though he took precautions, but she’s trying to worm her way into this club for some reason, and I don’t like it. She probably took the pup outta spite cause a’ the way I came down on her. Had enough of that shit with Warlock’s woman.”

Wylde gave me a wary glance. “Sting know you did that? ’Cause I’m pretty sure that wasn’t your call to make.”

“No, and I ain’t apologizing.”

“Yeah. Let me know how that works out for ya. Recallin’ how well it worked out for Snake a few months ago.” Wylde smirked. Snake had been one of the few older guys in Iron Tzars who hadn’t wanted Sting as president given his age and that his father had made such a mess of things. No one left the Iron Tzars unless they died. Club whores included. It was why there were precautions for visitors. We both knew Sting’d beat my ass -- or worse -- when he found out I’d taken matters into my own hands. I’d take it, but I’d also point out I’d been right.

Ten minutes later, me, Atlas, Cyrus, and Eagle were on the road headed to Mayor Winston’s house followed by Clutch in a Bronco. I couldn’t very well carry a dog on the bike, and I wasn’t riding in a fucking cage when I was this pissed off. I needed the freedom I got on my bike. I was riding the edge before, but now all that aggression had built to a boiling point. I’d need to take off after this. To get away from everyone.

I hadn’t fucked any of the club whores in months, and they were getting more than a little handsy, but I wasn’t interested. I wanted the peace and seclusion of the woods with a couple of my hounds for a few weeks while we hunted and embraced the wildness of the remote areas I hunted. If it weren’t for the puppies, I’d have gone weeks ago. Still had another couple of weeks before I could deliver the pups I’d sold. Add to it this situation with Blossom, and I’d hit my limit. I wasn’t a people person on the best of days. This wasn’t the best of days.

We rolled up to a bigass house, a private estate with lots of land around it. We weren’t exactly quiet about it either. The gate had proven little deterrent, and I half expected to hear sirens headed in our direction. Wylde was in touch with us and, as far as he could tell, no alarm had been activated at the house. Despite that, when we rolled up, making more than a little noise, no one exited the place to greet us. Or to warn us off.

Looking at the men around me, I could see they were just as uneasy as I was. “Something’s off.”

“No fuckin’ shit,” Atlas growled. “What the fuck’s goin’ on here?”

I stomped to the front door and pressed the bell. We waited for several minutes with no answer so we split up and walked around the place to the back. It was fuckin’ huge. Had to be close to seven thousand square feet. Three stories. Ten-car garage attached to it.

“Someone seems to be compensating.”

Eagle got some chuckles from Atlas and Clutch. I wasn’t amused. Cyrus likely didn’t realize it was supposed to be funny. He didn’t relate well to others. Or humor in general.

We stood at the glass door leading from the outdoor pool to the indoor one. There didn’t seem to be a light on anywhere near the outer perimeter of the house. No one moved near the glass-enclosed room. For all intents and purposes, the place appeared deserted. There was an intercom next to it, and I pressed the button and held it for several seconds.

“Wylde?” I spoke, knowing our intel officer was listening. “If no one answers this time, I’m breakin’ in. Can you keep the cops off us?”

“Already on it. Security’s disabled, though it wasn’t turned on to begin with. Even the indoor cameras are turned off. No one’ll get anywhere with a panic button, though. You’d think the fuckin’ mayor’d have a better setup than this. Don’t they have security on the bastard? I mean, the guy’s rich. The city might not pay for security, but he damned well does. What the fuck?” There was a pause where I could hear keys clicking in the background at lightning speed before Wylde spoke again. “Looks like the mayor left for Cancún an hour ago. Guess he gave everyone else some time off?”

“But why disable the security system inside and out before he left?” Cyrus mused. “Makes even less sense.”