“There have been no other cocks,” I gasp.

“None?” he asks, the look of shock evident on his face. I can’t help smiling at him, but I quickly wipe it away when his look changes to a savage one.

“No,” I say, shaking my head vehemently.

“Fuck,” he growls while fisting his cock. “You’re pure for me?”

“Yes. Only you.”

He doesn’t say anything else; he just pushes the tip of his thick cock into me. Just the fucking tip. It’s too much and not enough all at once. “You’re so fucking beautiful, Sassy. I can’t wait to make you mine, but I want you in my bed. I look down between us as he shallowly thrusts in and out of me, still just the tip. I feel his come inside me before pulling out of me and spraying the outside of my pussy with his seed. He growls as he does this, and I lose my fucking mind.

I watch in rapt fascination as he gathers his come with his fingers and brings it to my mouth. I moan as I taste him, sucking on his fingers. He uses his other hand to push the excess come back into me before leaning down to lick me from clit to ass.

I love this man. I love him more than I’ve ever loved anything in my entire life. He’s the only man in the world who can give me what I need and crave. How am I ever going to hold all that in? The need to tell him fills me, but it’s too soon.

I can totally do this…



“Kiss me.” She smiles, her face relaxed, and her mind at ease. Seeing her without worry and heavy burdens for the first time is a revelation. Sassy glows. She is made to smile, giggle, flirt, and be carefree and loved. She leans her head toward me and puts her mouth on mine. I lick across her lips and pry her open, smiling at the fact that she still makes me work for it.

Our tongues tangle and dance with one another, slow and leisurely, no longer afraid of being without each other. I bring my hands to her head and hold her the way I want her, safe in the knowledge this is what she needs. Beep. Beep. Mouth still attached to hers, I groan at the intrusion of the alarm clock. “No, don’t stop.” She whines, chasing my mouth.

Chuckling, I pull back and kiss her forehead. “I know, Taui. Trust me, I need you as much as you need me. However, we need to discuss Nick’s situation. We are leaving tomorrow.” Licking her lips, she relents and gets up from the bed.

We have meetings scheduled today, most of which are designed to get Nick out of his contract with this team. In order to do that, however, we need to be sure how much it will cost him and figure out the clauses.

An hour later, we are both dressed and walking into the office. “What do we need to discuss first?” she asks, setting her bag down.

“Have we found a clause in his contract that would cause us to break it without paying for it?” Not all teams offer one, so I am not holding my breath, and typically, to be honest, it is usually the other way around. Normally, the clause has a caveat in it that allows the team to drop a player at will, but hey, miracles can happen, right?

“Actually, there is. Last night, when I was looking through the documents while you were on a conference call, I found a clause that states if a player is subjected to emotional trauma and/or any type of coercion, he may break his contract without penalty.” I stare at her for a moment, sure I have heard her wrong.

“Are you serious? They were dumb enough to include that?” She slides the contract across the table, and I look where she has highlighted, circled, and put stars next to things she thought would help our cause. “Holy shit!” I exclaim, shocked this is so easy.

“If you turn to page thirty, paragraph six clause ten, it also states that if a member of the Barnes family is involved in the emotional trauma, the player is entitled to compensation of one million dollars.” The smile on her face shows how proud she is of herself, and rightfully so. Hell, my junior agent, who initially viewed his contract before I had Nick sign last year, missed it. It would have been included in his file as an out clause if he had seen it. What she has found is liquid gold.

“Well, shit, baby. This is great work.” I tell her, being honest.

“Thank you, Sir. I was actually shocked. It left me wondering what crackerjack made this contract?” That is a damn good question that we won’t bother asking because their inadequacy is our gain. “So now what?” She asks, grabbing herself a bottle of water from the mini-fridge.