As I sit here watching her, I can see her mind ticking away, and I know she has either more questions or more to say. “Taui, tell me what is on your mind.” She looks up at me in surprise and then back down to the table. “If you don’t talk to me, then this will never work.” She bites her lip, and I suppress a groan wanting to be the one to bite that lip. Given her hesitation, I decide to start the conversation. “Sassy, what do you think is happening between us?”

“I’m not sure,” she says, her voice unsure and trepidatious.

“Okay. What do you think I want from you?”

“Everything.” Nodding, I butter her another piece of toast and hand it to her.

“Yes, but it is more than that. I want, no, I need for you to give me this. I want to have complete control. I want the right to make decisions for you, to pick out your clothes, and what you eat. Hell, I want to order your life in accordance with mine, Taui. I want us to be so fucking intertwined, that a seamstress couldn’t untangle the thread from you to me.”

“Whoa,” she says, dropping her toast on her plate. I can’t decipher the expression on her face, causing my neck to sweat. Could I have this wrong? Could I have misunderstood her? “That sounds like a lot of work for you, Bolton. Are you sure this is what you want?” I lay my hand on hers and look her in her eyes.

“I don’t want it, Sassy. I need it. You aren’t the only one who has been lost, baby. I have been the walking dead since you walked into my office for your job interview. Simply ghosting my way through life, waiting on the moment you are ready for me. For this.”

“Bolton,” she says my name with a hint of disbelief and tears in her eyes. Lifting her from the chair, I sit her in my lap and wipe the offensive tear from her cheek.

“I forbid you to cry, Taui. I won’t be able to handle it.” Leaning in, I kiss her softly and soak in the moan that flows from her like a flutist in the wind. “Is there anything else, baby? Any other concerns right now?”

“No.” She leans back against me, so trusting and relaxed. My heart flips a few times, elated that I am the cause of her burdens being lifted.

“Can I ask you a personal question?” She gets rigid almost immediately, but I begin rubbing her back, kissing her chastely on the neck to soothe her.

“Okay,” she whispers.

“How long have you been so… regimented?” I was trying to think of another way to say it but couldn’t think of one.

“I was diagnosed with a mild form of OCD when I was thirteen. It was eventually combined with anxiety, which I suffer from when the need for order is not met. My parents tried therapy, hypnosis, and medication. For the most part, nothing works except for having things planned, predictable and uncluttered.” Totally makes sense. My own mother had this affliction, and I watched her agonize over it. My father was tolerant and didn’t particularly make a big deal out of it, but he never went out of his way to make it easy for her. It might have gone a long way for her mental health.

“Thank you for sharing that with me, baby. I love your trust in me and swear to always make your life easier and be the forklift you need if you will allow me.” My fingers brush against her soft skin, drawing the path I am going to take with my mouth and body to bring us both what we want.

She sags against me and kisses my chest before answering. “I would love that.” See. She is perfect for me.

“We have a light day with nothing pressing this morning. What would you like to do?” I would love to pull my pants down and plop her on my cock, but I want this to be more than physical. I want her time, her mind, her trust, her wants, needs, and devotion, and in return, she is going to be my reason for being.

“I have always wanted to go to the Shedd Aquarium.” She drops her head like she thinks I will somehow deny her, but she will learn that there is nothing I will deny her unless I consider it not safe or healthy.

“Alright then. Let’s hop in the shower and get dressed.” Her eyes sparkle, and I can practically feel her vibrating in my lap.

“Really! We can go?” Jesus, this girl is dangerous for my heart and cock. Seeing her so happy she is seconds from jumping up and down, flapping those big tits in my face, has me salivating.