“I want to marry you, Bolton. I mean of course, I do, I love you so much, but I can’t. Not like this.” I know she is saying something important, but all comprehension stopped the minute she admitted she loves me.

“You tell me you love me for the first time while denying my marriage proposal? You have to explain more than that, baby.” She throws her hands up in the air like I am being obtuse. I find it cute, and it warms my heart. She doesn’t even realize how she has changed and gained a voice outside of work.

“I cannot marry you when there is discord, Bolton. You are not speaking to your mother right now, which is a problem for me. I mean I get it. I know she deserves to learn a lesson, but when I take my vows and say I do to you, I want to be surrounded by our families and friends. All of them,” she emphasizes.

“I hear you, baby, I do. I want that too. But my mother is stubborn and stuck in her ways and there is no way I am going to let her disrespect the woman I love and get away with it.” Her face softens, and she smiles slightly.

“You love me.” She doesn’t ask; it's more like an affirmation.

“More than anything or anyone, baby. You are what makes me, make sense. You give me purpose and meaning, baby.” She walks to me and puts her hand in mine.

“Then fix it, Bolton. Make it right so I can be your wife.” Well fuck. Her confident, exacting voice is going to get her fucked. But first, I guess I better do what she told me to do.

My, how the tables have turned.




I groan as I lie awake next to Bolton. I’m staring at the ceiling, wondering what the hell I’ve done. Why did I tell him no? I want nothing more than to be his wife, but I can’t go through life with him resenting me forever. I would be so upset if my mom stopped talking to me; surely he’ll feel the same way too. When I said no, I saw some of the light in his eyes die. Hell, something inside me died too.

I get out of bed and head into the bathroom. After washing my hands and face, I grab my phone off of the charger and head into the living room. Without looking at the time, I video chat with my squad. Immediately, six sleepy-eyed girls answer the phone.

“What’s wrong?” they all ask, in unison, making me laugh.

“Nothing. I swear. Well, nothing except I’m an idiot.”

“You’re not an idiot,” Summer says, without knowing any context. I love these girls. When we met in college, I knew we’d all be friends forever.

“What did you do?” Hope asks.

“I said no.”

“No to what?” Jinny asks at the same time Rose asks, “you said no?”

“Bolton proposed and I said no.”

“Why? I thought you loved him.”

“Oh my God. I do. More than anything.”

“Then why’d you say no?”

“His mother hates me,” I groan on the verge of tears. My statement is met with laughs from all of them.

“Oh, Sassy! All mothers hate their son's girlfriends, most only until she ascertains she’s good enough for her baby boy,” Cheryl says.


“No buts. It’s pretty much a universal fact,” Scarlet says.

“And everyone knows this?”

“Everyone with in-laws,” Rose says.

“So I should get over this?”

“Yes. She’ll come around, especially as soon as you give her a grandbaby. Something happens to women when they become grandma’s. I can’t explain it.”

We chat for a little longer, and I feel so much better when we hang up.

Without a second thought, I jump up from the couch and run back into the bedroom. On my side of the bed, I strip my pjs off, and I slide back into the bed naked, move over to him, and run my hands up and down his bare chest. He’s so perfect.

“Sassy?” he asks sleepily.

“Ask me again,” I breathe.

“What?” He sits up and looks at me.

“Ask me again.” I smile, and so does he.

“Sassy Beatrix Lahey, will you marry me?”

“Yes.” With that one word, everything feels right in the world.

“Thank fuck,” he growls and rolls over so that he’s on top of me and inside my pussy in a split second.

“I love you,” I groan as he takes me hard.

“I love you too. This pretty cunt is mine forever. You know that don’t you?”

“Yes. Only yours, forever,” I vow.

“This cock is yours forever too,” he groans, fucking me harder and harder.

I nod and blink away my tears. No other words are needed. I’m his forever, and he’s mine. Nothing else matters.




Our son, Maleko, is four months old today. He’s my pride and joy. Sassy had a difficult birth, but she’s finally ready to take my cock again. I wanted her to be safe, so I, of course, waited without