“Join me tonight at my brother’s charity event. It’ll be a great place to meet donors. It’s a black-tie affair.”


“I’ll pick you up at seven-thirty,” I say before kissing her again quickly and taking my leave. She’ll have no chance to back out now.

Tonight, she becomes mine.



“Let me get this straight. You are going on a date?” Hope’s voice rises through the phone, causing me to squint because I knew they would do this.

“No. It is not a date. It is for work. He feels bad because somehow my proposal got lost or something and in lieu of me writing another one, he volunteered to take me to a charity event to introduce me to donors.”

“I see,” Sassy says, clearly not believing me. “Let me ask you this, does he know it is not a date?” Oh crap. I am going to answer her, and then I think about our conversation. I don’t know. Is this a date?

“Oh God,” I say into the phone, dropping onto my ottoman. “I… what if this is a date?”

“If it is then that’s fine, Summer. You can do this.” Cheryl’s sweet voice permeates through the phone.

“I mean I'm sure it’s not a date. He is much too busy to be dating and so am I. Right?” There is silence on the phone. I can hear crickets chirping. “You guys.”

“Oh yeah. Sure. Not a date.” They stumble over themselves, trying to make me feel better, which is why I love them.

“I need to get ready ladies. I will call you tomorrow with the update.” I can do this. I can do this. “I can talk to a bunch of stuffy people and help them part with their money.”

Turning on the shower, I get naked and hop in, putting my hair on top of my head. I stand under the spray, and my mind immediately goes to his face. That chiseled, strong jawline, leading to the most engagingly intense yet warm eyes I have ever seen. Did I mention his lips? Those lips, I can practically feel them all over me. My hand begins to travel, and then the fog breaks. “Holy hell. I am attracted to him. Like seriously attracted to him.”

I wash my hair in a frenzy, my chest feeling heavy and on the brink of caving in. I know unequivocally that I cannot go with him tonight. I would only succeed in making a fool of myself. Guys like him, they want confident women. Women who don’t have problems saying what they want.

I am still getting dressed, which makes no sense to me since I have almost sufficiently talked myself out of going. It is not until the bell rings that I know why I still got ready. I really want to see him again. Even if it is in a professional capacity. Checking myself in the mirror, I curse when I remember I never did my makeup. “Damn it.” Now it is too late.

I am so damn nervous walking to the door to open it. Taking a deep breath, I unlock it and open it slightly. “Wow,” he says, looking me up and down. “You look stunning, sjelevenn.'' He has called me that name several times, and I want to know what it means, but I am too scared to ask. He might stop.

“Thank you. You look handsome.” I straighten out his sort of crooked tie, and for the first time, I notice we are slightly coordinated. My dress is an ocean blue and cream sweetheart neckline. His tie matches. I turn to grab my purse when it dawns on me. “Hey, how did you find out where I lived?” He smirks and leans a hair's breadth from my mouth.

“I know people who know people,” he says before winking at me. My body hums this close to him. “God your so fucking beautiful.” His mouth touches mine, and it lights out. I moan as his tongue invades my willing mouth, showing me what I would be missing. His taste is spicy and warm, comforting even. He pulls me closer to him, gripping me like he doesn’t want to let me go. I don’t want him to let go. But too soon, he pulls back and kisses my nose. “Come on, baby, let’s go.”

Why do I have a feeling I won’t be able to find my way back by the time this night is over?



I’ve done my duty and introduced her to my family and rich old men who champion animals. I’m sure my sainthood is on the way. All evening, I watched her. She was nervous at first but began to mask her nerves and pretended confidence. I know what she’s like when she’s confident, and this isn’t it. I want her to be confident and happy. Is it so fucking bad that I want it to be with me?