“Of course he was,” she says wryly. “What was he the god of?”

“Light and beauty,” I tell her. She just nods and stares at me.

“You mentioned some kind of grant. Did you need me for something in regard to that?”

“What? Oh yes. You’re the big dumb oaf who has rejected my grant proposal.” I quirk an eyebrow at that. I do believe that’s the first time I’ve ever been called dumb, and I didn’t know people still used the word oaf. Big, sure, not dumb. I chuckle; I can’t help it. I love that she’s feisty. For the first time, I realize that I am still holding onto her wrist. Looking down, I love the fact that I am still touching her and that she’s made no move to extract herself from me. Her skin is soft, but I can’t help but notice the vertical, jagged scar that’s no more than an inch long, distending down her wrist. It’s faded, but whoever stitched it made it look like a Frankenstein patch. I wonder who or what hurt her enough that it brought her to the point where she thought ending her life was the only answer. I want to hug and hold her, but I don’t want her to run away from me again, so I answer her questions.

“I haven’t denied anything yet. Where are you getting your information?”

“My boss…”

“Your boss is mistaken. No decisions have been made. Which grant is this? Never mind. Are you hungry? I’m starving. Shall we continue this conversation over lunch?”

“What?” she asks, clearly confused by my topic change. I want to keep her on her toes.

“Food. You do eat, don’t you?” I ask.

“Of course.”

“So, lunch?”

I don’t want to let her out of my sight. Everything inside of me is telling me to never let her go, and I always listen to myself. It’s never steered me wrong before.



“Lunch?” I repeat for what feels like the hundredth time. I blame his God-like trance he has me in. From the moment I started looking at him, my brain hasn’t been functioning right. We are not even going to talk about my body. My panties are so wet I would think I just got out of the ocean if it wasn’t for the fact that I am in a concrete building staring at the son of Odin somebody, trying to add pressure to my own clit, but so scared I am going to come right in front of his face.

“Yes, sjelevenn. Lunch.” He smirks at me before moving further into my space. His cologne seeps into my nose, and my stomach begins to contract. Something inside of me is shifting, and it is scaring the hell out of me. Focus, Summer. Stop staring at him and get to the point.

I blink a few times, gathering some type of control, and step back from him. “The name of the grant is The Penguin Preservation Grant. I submitted it months ago. The timer on the proposal is running out.” There. I said it.

“I see. Well I have no idea what you are talking about, but since you can’t do lunch, go to dinner with me, and we can talk about it all night long.” Something about the way he says it tells me there is more to that suggestion, and my body is answering him. He just can’t see it.

“I know you want to say yes, sjelevenn. I can see it in your eyes.” What? How? What the heck?

“Dinner is not a good idea. Are you crazy? I am here on professional business.” Good job. Be strong.

“Look, my assistant will send information to your phone.” And then he is going to pawn me off. No idea why this has me seeing red but suddenly, something I can only describe as jealousy touches me.

“Nope. I don’t have time for assistants. It’s fine. It is obvious you aren’t the right person to help me. Sorry I wasted your time.” Open the door, Summer. Turn the knob and open the door. I am saying this in my head, but my hands and feet are not listening. I, instead, am still facing him, staring into his intense eyes, allowing myself to get lost in his gaze. I say, gaze, but I swear I can feel the caress of it on my skin. “Is this how politicians deal with their constituents?” I don’t know why I am goading him, but I feel safe with him. Safe enough to push him and forget that I am not this girl.

“This is how this politician is dealing with you, sjelevenn.” I don’t realize my back is against the wall until both of his arms cage me in. I give myself a second to take in his proximity. He leans into my neck, not touching me, but I swear he sniffs up the side of my neck. A moan slips from my lips, and then I open my eyes. I lick my lips without thought, and his subsequent grunt sends vibrations right to my clit. I need to regain control of this situation.