Discussing Natalie without her there to answer for herself felt disloyal and he didn’t like it. A weight sat heavier on his chest the longer she spoke. “Which way is that?”

A beat passed. “I guess I’m still figuring it out.” She smoothed her shirtsleeve. “I don’t really have an example to pull from.”

August said nothing.

“I always thought she would find her purpose far away from Napa. She did for a while. Then again, this place, my family, became my anchor when I was Natalie’s age. Maybe she needs to be here. Maybe she needs to be shown that roots aren’t always ripped out as easily as they were in New York. Family ones are stronger.”


What exactly was the catalyst for her leaving New York?

It took everything inside him not to pry, but he wouldn’t dig up a story that Natalie wasn’t ready to tell. He thought of her in the bathroom, listening to him explain about Sam. How she’d come to him offering comfort. What if he got the chance to do the same for her? He’d give her whatever she needed, emotionally, physically. No questions asked.

Maybe she needs to be shown that roots aren’t always ripped out as easily as they were in New York. Those words occupied every inch of space between him and Corinne.

“I might not be very adept at showing affection, but I am here. She knew she could come home to me. I am permanently planted in her life and my roots run deep. Eventually she’ll realize that not everyone rips out their roots and leaves. But it would seem to me that a fake marriage with no actual commitment value would have the opposite effect.”

August’s pulse galloped. He’d used all of his brain power yesterday trying to get to the bottom of Natalie’s alcohol hang-ups, but he would try mining for more. “If you could tell me exactly what you came to say, Mrs. Vos, it would be much appreciated,” he said finally.

She inclined her head. “I should put a stop to this right now. This out-of-the-blue wedding and inevitable quick split has the potential to embarrass my family and the reputation I’ve worked so hard to carry through bad times and good—and there have been times that reputation is all we had. A farce like this one threatens to make us a punchline.” She tapped a finger against the back of her hand. “I’m supposed to pay the caterers today. But before I spend a fortune on crab rangoon . . . what would you say if I offered you a certain sum of money to leave and never come back?”

“I’d say burn it.” He said it without a thought. Didn’t need one. “And hell yeah on the crab.”

“Somehow I knew you’d tell me what to do with my money.” Her eyes narrowed slightly. “I saw . . . something. In the way you acted toward my daughter the other night on the train. I can’t really put my finger on what it was. Perhaps . . . protecting your investment? After all, being married to a Vos will earn this place a lot of attention.” August started to speak up, not sure exactly what would come out of his mouth, only that he took serious objection to Natalie being referred to as an investment. But Corinne held up a hand before he could speak. “Somehow that theory didn’t stick. So I’ve come here to ask you one thing. If you can give me a satisfying answer, I will pay the caterers and smile my way through your wedding vows.”

“Ask me anything,” August said, looking her dead in the eye. Bring it on. He’d once walked nineteen miles in the pitch-black with a snake bite. His commanding officer might have been cordial during his recent visit to the vineyard, but he’d once asked August if he had a pile of shit for brains. There wasn’t a question on earth that could scare him.

“Do you have genuine feelings for my daughter?”

All right, maybe that one.

Did he have feelings for Natalie?

August almost laughed.

Honestly, he should have just said yes. That would have been more than enough. It would have been true—and there wouldn’t be any mistaking that. But for some reason—and this probably had a lot to do with the fucking feelings themselves—he wanted this woman to approve of him, fake son-in-law or not. God help him, in this moment, he didn’t want the arrangement to be phony. He wanted, maybe needed, someone to tell him he was worthy of Natalie.

“I’ve lost count of the feelings I have for your daughter. Pardon me for saying this, but lust is really high on that list.” She rolled her eyes, so he rushed to continue. “But that’s only the beginning, really. I, uh . . . I worry about her. You know?” That confession ripped a seam open and the rest just came pouring out. “Sometimes she looks sad and I goad her into a fight just to get the kaleidoscope turning in her eyes again. And when it comes back, it’s a lot easier for me to concentrate. I’m not going to lie, sometimes she irritates me, but way more often, I’m just trying not to laugh. She’s really goddamn funny. Like, the girl can verbally cut my balls off and I respect that, even when I’m pissed. Does that make sense?” Corinne’s face remained totally blank, except for an eyebrow that was slowly creeping higher. “I don’t know what else to say except . . . if someone hurt her, I would go ballistic, ma’am. My head aches even thinking about it. I’m actually afraid to find out what happened in New York, because . . .” I’ve managed to hold my cards pretty close to the vest, but if I find out someone wronged her, she’s going to know I’m the furthest thing from casual when it comes to her. “Like I said, I don’t like her being sad. I’d rather have her angry and I’m pretty good at making that happen. I’d also really like her to be happy with me more often than she’s annoyed. I’d . . . love it, actually. Happy Natalie is a mission I want to go on and never come back. Have I gotten off track here?”