“Awww. You were just trying to escape the smell of farts and stale beer, weren’t you, precious?” Natalie crooned to the cat, laying the baby talk on thick.
“If you’re trying to turn my cat against me, I’m pretty sure that ship has sailed.”
“She hates you?” For a moment, Natalie seemed surprised, but she quickly backpedaled. “I mean . . . she hates you. Obviously.”
“It’s minute to minute. I never know what’s coming.”
“What pissed her off this time?”
Why did he hesitate before answering? No clue. “Packing. I took out my suitcase and she lit out on a death mission.”
Her expression seemed to freeze itself on. She was probably restraining herself from calling him a quitter again. “Oh.” A few seconds ticked by, then she started toward him, obviously intending to hand over the cat. “Well, the last thing I want to do is delay your long overdue exit from Napa. I’ll let you get back to it.”
August’s smile was brittle. “Can’t wait to never look back.”
“The wine gods are certainly rejoicing this day.”
“You would know, since the wine gods are your parents.”
“Please. They’re not wine gods.” Natalie started to hand the cat into his outstretched arms, but the feline’s claws were dug into the black sweater material of her dress. She tried again. No luck. Menace wasn’t letting go. “Oh! I don’t want to hurt her claws.”
He pushed a hand through his hair. “She’s punishing me.”
“She’s showing favoritism to your least favorite person. I’m beginning to think you’re not exaggerating about this cat’s diabolical side.”
Natalie Vos was far from his least favorite person, but he kept that to himself. In fact, up close like this, her smoky floral scent was taking jabs at his brain, making him forget what he ever had against her in the first place. Who could hold a grudge against a woman this beautiful and soft looking, and so much shorter than him that he started to feel like an ogre? At least until she said, “Are you going to help me? Or just stand there with your hairy knuckles on the ground?”
“My apologies, princess. You’re used to people snapping to attention to assist you.”
“Oh shut up, August. Not today.”
Worry snuck in and took hold. “Why? What happened today?”
Before she could answer, a car approached on the road, maneuvering its way around Natalie’s vehicle, which was still idling in the lane headed toward Vos Vineyard. Of course, Menace didn’t hear the approach of the oncoming traffic, so when she caught the unexpected movement from the corner of her eye, she tensed, digging her claws into Natalie’s chest.
Natalie cried out in pain.
August experienced panic the likes of which he hadn’t seen since combat, his throat dropping down into his stomach so he couldn’t swallow.
“Jesus, princess. Okay.” His hands were useless objects, reaching for the cat’s paws and tugging, but somehow making it worse. “I’m a dog person. I don’t know what to do about this.”
“Soothe her.” Natalie gasped when the cat clung harder. “Calm her down.”
“She’s hard of hearing. And petting her is really a mood-based activity. Sometimes she likes it, sometimes she becomes possessed by Satan. I don’t want to make it worse.”
“Oh, come on, you’re loving this.”
“I’m not loving this, Natalie.” No longer able to stand the sight of the claws digging into Natalie’s body, he pulled the cat off her, unfortunately tearing her dress in the process—and revealing several bleeding scratches below her collarbone. “Christ.”
She looked down at the injuries and winced. “It’s fine.”
“It’s not fine.” He stormed toward her car, seeing the claw marks every time he blinked. “Don’t move.”
“Don’t order me around.”
August ignored that while throwing open the door of Natalie’s car, a growling—yes, growling—Menace wedged beneath one arm. Thanks to the height difference, he was jammed up against the steering wheel until he slid the seat all the way back. He threw the vehicle into drive and pulled it onto the shoulder, trying and failing not to notice the way her scent laced the air. What was in those shopping bags? The contents were wrapped in tissue paper, meaning her purchases had to be fancy. Of course they were.
So why was her car the most basic of rentals?
Couldn’t she afford a Mercedes or something equally high-end?
Telling himself to mind his own business and focus on the task at hand, August removed the keys from the ignition, took one last whiff of the air, and climbed out.
“What are you doing?” Natalie demanded to know, her arms crossed over her ripped dress. “I need to get home.”
“Not until I put something on those wounds.” He walked past her with the hissing feline. “Let’s go.”
“No way. Give me my keys back.”
“Not happening.”
“You expect me to go through the woods and into your home with you? Alone with a man who would have nominated me for the Salem witch trials in a heartbeat?”