Rose rubbed her hands together and flashed Hunter an evil smile. “Oh, this is so juicy! Please tell me we get to be on TV!”

“Yes! I totally want to be on TV too!” Lily added.

Hunter rolled his eyes. “I already said no to my family being involved. I mean, I guess if you really wanted to be on it, that would be up to the producers.”

Morgan cleared her throat as Rose and Lily started going off about becoming famous. “When do you have to give them your answer?”

Hunter sighed. “In a couple of weeks.”

“Have you talked to Dad about it?”

Hunter looked at Morgan and slowly shook his head. “Blayze thinks Dad won’t have a problem with it as long as we stay away from the main barn.”

“Where would everyone stay?” I asked.

“They said something about renting some mansion outside of Hamilton.”

Bradly jumped in. “Wait—so all those hot girls won’t be staying on the ranch?”

“You don’t even live on the ranch, Bradly!” Rose said with a laugh.

“Yeah, but I’m there damn near every day when I’m in town.”

“What are you going to do, hit on the girls when they’re at the ranch?” Lily asked.

Bradly shrugged. “Hey, just because Hunter isn’t looking for love, who says I’m not?”

Morgan huffed. “You’re still a teenager, in case you forgot.”

“Not to mention shy as all get out,” Rose added.

Hunter held up his hands. “Why are we arguing about this? I’m not even sure I’m going to do it.”

“Would you have some kind of celebrity host?” I asked.

With a one-shoulder shrug, he replied, “I don’t know. They mentioned someone by the name of Kipton Howse.”

Lily nearly choked on Rose’s wine. “Kipton Howse! Are you freaking kidding me?”

Morgan and Rose both frowned, and Morgan asked, “Who’s that?”

Lily’s eyes went wide. “She was Miss Montana last year! They crowned a new one last month, but she was the one before that. How do you guys not know this?”

“Who’s Miss Montana?” Bradly asked.

Lily shook her head in disbelief. “As in Miss USA. The most famous beauty pageant in the country?”

Bradly and Hunter both had blank expressions on their faces.

“Really?” Morgan said. “The two of you need to stop spending so much time with horses and bulls.”

“This!” Lily shouted. “This is Kipton Howse!”

She passed her phone to all of us at the table. I thought Bradly and Hunter were going to fall out of their seats.

“Wow,” Morgan and Rose said at the same time.

Rose took the phone and studied the young woman. “She’s beautiful.”

“I know!” Lily agreed. “She goes to Montana State. I’ve seen her on campus and at a few parties. If you think she’s pretty there, you should see her in person. Somehow she looks even better with less makeup.”

Hunter was studying the picture on Lily’s phone. Morgan turned and looked at me, one brow raised.

Leaning toward her, I asked, “Does he seem smitten to you?”

She nodded, then looked at her younger brother. “Um, Hunter…I don’t think you’ll be swiping on Kipton.”

He looked up and shot her a scowl. “I know that.”

“Dude, did you need a moment or two alone with her photo?” Bradly teased.

Lily snatched her phone out of Hunter’s hand. “Eww, gross!”

I let my head fall back as I enjoyed the heat of the sun. I was on my parents’ ranch, sitting atop a new mare by the name of Tea. It was the first week of October and the days were starting to cool off, so I wanted to relish the warm sun while I still could.

Tea bounced her head and brought me back to the moment. Laughing, I rubbed her neck. “I know, girl. You worked hard this morning and want some playtime. Just a few more minutes, and she’ll be here.”

Tea snorted, and I laughed again. She was a spitfire, and I could see why my mother had decided to barrel train her. She would probably excel at the sport. Mom had a way of seeing things in the horses long before anyone else could.

“I can’t tell what you’re enjoying more: sitting on the horse or the sun on your face.”

Looking down, I smiled at the sight of the love of my life walking toward me. Morgan in jeans, a long-sleeve T-shirt, and a baseball hat was one of the sexiest things I’d ever laid eyes on.

“Hey, what are you doing here?” I asked, hoping I sounded like I was surprised to see her.

Morgan slid between the wood planks of the pen and closed the distance between us. She moved her hands gently down Tea’s neck, then she kissed the horse’s cheek before looking up at me.

“Georgiana talked me into taking the rest of the day off and suggested I come out and ride Titan. It’s been forever, so I thought it sounded like a great idea. Rex is getting him saddled up for me.”