“Shut up!” he yelled, pushing the barrel of the gun harder into my temple. Clamping my mouth shut, I frantically glanced at both doors.

“Ryan!” I screamed. Bradford swung me around by my hair and hit me so hard across the face, I literally saw stars.

Then I heard a furious scream that sounded like the devil himself was rising out of the ground.

I looked at the front door to see Ryan rushing in, a gun pointed toward us.

Bradford tried to turn me again to shield himself, and I bit down on his arm as hard as I could, tasting blood.

When he howled and pushed me away, I dove toward the floor—and the deafening sound of gunshots filled the air once more.

Then there was silence.

It was a strange, peaceful kind of silence…and I wondered for a moment if I’d been shot.

I was afraid to look. With my arms over my head, all I could hear was my own breathing. Then hands were on me, and for a moment I struggled…until I recognized that touch.

Looking up, I saw Ryan standing there.

I scrambled to my knees and threw myself toward him. He wrapped me in a tight embrace. The sirens grew louder, but all I cared about was being in Ryan’s arms…and that feeling of immense safety. I buried my face in his chest, my entire body shaking.

Ryan stroked my hair gently, trying to calm me. “He’s not going to touch you ever again.”

I wanted to cry. I wanted to scream. Hell, I wanted to run out of that cabin, but I knew Ryan had me and I was going to be okay.

A sudden burst of loud voices in the cabin caused me to jump. Ryan helped me stand, tucking me close to his body. When I tried to look behind me, he grasped my chin, keeping my focus on him.

“Where is he?” I asked.

He placed his hand on the side of my face and brushed his thumb softly over my cheek. “The bastard hit you.”

“I’ll be fine. Where is he, Ryan?”

“He’s gone, Morgan. It’s over.” Holding me even tighter, he started to walk us out of the cabin.

Everything inside of me screamed not to look…but I had to see for myself that he truly couldn’t hurt me anymore. I quickly glanced over my shoulder.

Bradford lay on the floor face down, a pool of blood slowly seeping out from under his body.

I sucked in a shaky breath and looked straight ahead. The feel of the fresh night air hit my lungs, burning in a glorious way.

“I’m so tired,” I said quietly as Ryan walked me toward the ambulance that had pulled up. “But I’m okay. I’m not hurt.”

“Your body’s cold, and I want someone to look you over.”

I didn’t have the energy to argue, so I let him lead me toward a paramedic. After a few minutes of repeating that I was okay, that Bradford hadn’t touched me, I heard my mother shouting my name.

My head shot up, then I bolted toward her and my father. They both engulfed me.

“Oh, my sweet girl!” my mother cried as she wrapped her arms around me. My father kissed my forehead, holding both of us tightly before giving me a once-over.

“You’re okay?” he asked anxiously.

I nodded. “I’m okay. Ryan got here just in time.”

“Bradford didn’t touch you, did he?” Dad asked.

I shook my head. “No, he didn’t.”

Night soon turned into morning, and I was beyond exhausted. I had to give a statement to both the police and the FBI, and so did Ryan and Nox. It was Nox who’d been the one to deliver the fatal gunshot to Bradford. When Ryan had seen me jump out of the way, he’d run toward me. According to Nox, Bradford’s pistol had been aimed at Ryan, but Nox had shot him from behind first, killing him instantly.

I also learned Ryan had texted the cabin’s address to Detective Billings right before he and Nox had arrived. They hadn’t wanted any police sirens to tip off Bradford before they could gain entrance into the cabin.

“I don’t want to go back to the apartment,” I said softly.

Ryan nodded his head and looked at my parents. “Can we stay in the guest house for a couple of days?”

Taking my hands in hers, my mother said, “Of course you can. As long as you want.”

“Come on, we’ll drive you there,” Dad said. “Hunter can get your truck, Ryan, and bring it over later today. I think we’re all going to need a bit of sleep.”

Once we got to the guest house, my mom fussed over changing the sheets on the bed. I was practically falling asleep on my feet. It was clear Mom was still running on adrenaline at that point, but my body was drained.

“Lincoln, our daughter is literally falling asleep against Ryan,” Dad said. “Let’s get out of here and let them get some rest.”