Nox shook his head. “Already checked it with a UV light and got nothing. My guess is he wore gloves. The only reason he probably dropped them was because Ryan and I likely surprised him. I could hear him running, but he already had a good lead on us.”

“I didn’t want to leave you alone here, in case he’s working with someone,” Ryan added.

My eyes widened. “Working with someone?”

Ryan walked over to me and rubbed his hands up and down my arms. “I don’t think he is. I was just playing it safe.”

I let out a shaky breath. “This is insane! Does this guy not have a damn life? How in the hell did he know we were here?”

“He didn’t follow you, I can tell you that,” Nox stated. “That leads me to believe he already knew you’d be here.”

“How?” Ryan and I asked at the same time.

“Who all knew you were planning this evening?” Nox asked Ryan.

“Morgan’s cousin Rose, and her friend who owns this place. I told Blayze…and that’s it. I didn’t tell anyone else.”

Nox nodded. “Could Rose have told someone?”

Ryan shrugged. “I mean, it’s possible, but she’s been up at school taking summer classes. She only came down this afternoon to decorate for us.”

“Oh God! He could’ve been here while Rose was out here by herself!” I said, filled with sheer panic at the thought. I couldn’t let anyone else get hurt by this psycho!

“Hey,” Ryan said, pulling me to him and hugging me. “Don’t think like that, okay? We don’t know for sure that he didn’t follow us here.”

I saw the look Nox gave Ryan. He knew we hadn’t been followed, so that meant this crazy asshole had to have known where we’d be. He somehow found out about the cabin and came here earlier. Maybe even while my cousin was here alone.

“I’ve got two of my best guys on their way already, Morgan,” Nox said. “Only I have been shadowing you so far, but with your permission, I want to have one of my guys with you at all times.”

“All times?” I asked as Ryan eased back and slid his arm around my waist. “Like, as in…a bodyguard? Do you think that’s necessary?” I looked up at Ryan.

“Yes. I definitely think so, sweetheart. This guy knows the layout of the apartment, and he somehow discovered we were going to be here tonight. That means he’s closer to us than we realized. For your safety and my sanity, I agree with Nox. You should have someone with you when I’m not around.”

I shook my head. “I don’t want this nutcase to know he’s scaring me or intimidating me to the point that I need a bodyguard.”

“Morgan, having a bodyguard isn’t a sign of weakness,” Nox argued. “This guy isn’t messing around, and it seems like he’s starting to get more daring, maybe even a little desperate. Now that Ryan’s in the picture, the closer you two become seems to only make the guy angrier.”

“How long do you think he’s been stalking me?”

Ryan and Nox both looked at each other, then at me. Nox shook his head. “I’m not sure. Maybe he saw you on break from school, maybe he saw you a few weeks ago when you returned…it’s impossible to say.”

I blew out a frustrated breath. “It pisses me off that this guy is dictating part of my life.”

“I know, but if he made a mistake tonight, maybe he’ll make an even bigger one next time.”

“That’s the part that scares me,” I said softly. “The next time.”

Ryan laced his fingers with mine. “Do you think you can find anything out from the binoculars?” he asked Nox.

He gave us a one-shoulder shrug. “I’ll see if I can, but they’re a pretty everyday, run-of-the-mill set. Anyone could have bought them from a number of stores.” Nox gave me a sympathetic look. “I hate to do this, but I think the two of you should probably head back to your place where there’s plenty of security. Nothing says the guy won’t try to come back here tonight.”

“Even if he sees you and knows we have someone watching?” I asked.

Ryan squeezed my hand. “If he had the balls to hire someone to break into the apartment while the store was having its grand opening, God knows what else he might do.”

Nox nodded. “Ryan’s right, Morgan. You’re safer at your place. Plus, we can have a uniform drive by every so often. Send a message to our guy that your place is being watched as well.”

Looking into Ryan’s eyes, I frowned. “I’m sorry this ruined the night you had planned.”

He leaned down and kissed me on the forehead. “It doesn’t matter where we are, as long as we’re together.”

Chapter Nineteen


When we arrived back at the apartment, Morgan walked straight to our room. I wasn’t sure what she was expecting, but it was clear Blayze—or maybe Brock—had taken care of everything. The entire old bed was gone, replaced with a new one, along with brand-new sheets and a comforter. The whole room smelled of lavender.