“And if that doesn’t work?” Morgan asked.

“Keep your eyes open, and pay attention to your surroundings. If you see anyone who looks off, or makes you feel uncomfortable, or if you suspect someone is following you, you let me know right away. And if you feel like you might be in danger, you call nine-one-one.”

Morgan nodded. “I will.”

“I’m going to see if we can get footage from any of the businesses around the area. With everyone having security cameras these days, it’s harder for people to sneak around and not be noticed.”

I stood when Billings did. “Thank you, Detective Billings, for all your help.”

She gave me a polite smile. “Of course. If you or Morgan think of anything else, call my cell.” She handed each of us her card.

Nodding, I replied, “We will. Thank you.”

I followed her to the front door, where she paused and turned back to me. “You mentioned that Morgan was having someone come out to install cameras?”

I nodded. “Yes.”

She glanced over at Morgan before she focused back on me. “I’d make that happen sooner rather than later, if it was me.”

My stomach twisted into knots as I gave her a nod.

When she stepped outside the door, I followed. Lowering my voice, I asked, “Do you think she’s in any real danger?”

Detective Billings gave me a sober look. “I think you both are.”

I sat in the chair and watched Morgan sleeping peacefully on the sofa. After the police and Detective Billings left, Morgan’s will to be strong disappeared the moment our eyes met. My heart broke in fucking two, and all I wanted to do was take all of her fear away. The best I could do was hold her when she asked me to. The sound of her sobs nearly did me in as I tried to comfort her and told her there was no way this guy was going to harm her or me. And I fucking meant it. I’d do whatever I needed to do to protect her. She was mine, and after tonight, there was no doubt in my mind…I loved her.

After Morgan finally cried herself to sleep on the sofa, I let her rest and called Blayze, filling him in on what was going on. To say he was pissed was an understatement. We both agreed to not tell Brock about what happened tonight. If he found out, he’d force Morgan to move back home and that would only make her angry with her parents. Blayze and I both knew she wasn’t going to budge from this apartment, so we agreed to give it a week. If nothing else happened, we’d tell Brock and Lincoln about the vandalism to my truck then.

Morgan stirred and let out a soft sigh as she nuzzled deeper into the pillow. I rubbed at the back of my neck and tried like hell to think if I had missed anything at the restaurant.

I’d called Bradford, as well, and told him what had happened. He’d asked if we needed anything and even offered to let me use his BMW while I got my truck fixed. I told him it wasn’t necessary. He was with Savannah when I’d called, relaxing after a long night at the restaurant. When he’d asked if she’d noticed anything out of the ordinary, she’d said she hadn’t, but mentioned one of the waitresses had said something about a man standing for a while outside the restaurant. She’d assumed he was waiting for someone to get off shift. Bradford had assured me he’d check their security cameras tomorrow.

Pulling out my phone, I looked through my contacts until I found the person I was searching for. I stood and quietly headed for the back deck so I could make the call and not wake Morgan. This was a conversation I didn’t want her to hear.

A deep male voice answered. “Ryan.”

Rubbing at the tension in my neck, I said, “I need your help, and I need it kept on the down low.”

He paused for only a heartbeat. “What do you need done?”

A few minutes later I ended the call and drew in a deep breath. The cool mountain air felt good in my lungs. I glanced down at the parking lot below and scanned the area. That motherfucker had been somewhere down there. Probably watching us when we got home. My truck was gone, long since towed away and taken to Carl’s body shop in town. I knew Carl would take care of it quicker than the dealership. I shut my eyes and gripped the railing of the deck hard. When I opened them again, I let out the breath I’d been holding.

I turned to open the door of the apartment—before I suddenly paused, taking one more look around the parking lot.

I could have sworn someone was watching me, but after scanning the area, I didn’t see anyone.