Blayze and Georgiana both laughed, then she replied, “You’ll more than make up for that with your clothing line. Besides, your father and mine are helping us both reach this dream by backing us financially until we can start turning a profit.”

I wiped my tears away and then threw myself at Georgiana, causing her to nearly stumble back. I couldn’t control my emotions as I cried into her coat, repeatedly saying “thank you” and telling her how much I adored her and couldn’t wait for her to be my sister-in-law.

Pushing me back to arm’s length, Georgiana said, “Sweetie, I can’t understand a word you’re saying.”

“I don’t know how to thank you!” Turning to my brother, I blurted out, “You have to thank her for me with some amazing sex or…or…like a trip somewhere!”

Blayze’s face went red and he blinked at me a few times. “You couldn’t have just suggested taking her on an amazing trip?”

I waved off his comment. “Really, Georgiana, thank you so much for this opportunity. I love you!”

“Oh Lord, here come more tears,” Blayze mumbled as Georgiana started to cry, which made me cry all over again.

He rolled his eyes. “Okay, let’s take this back to the truck where there’s heat and at least your tears won’t freeze on your faces.”

Blayze and Georgiana dropped me off at my grandparents’ place, and I discovered that some family and friends were still there. I rushed into the house and ran to my father first, throwing myself into his arms.

“Daddy, thank you so much! Thank you!”

He laughed as he wrapped his arms around me. “I’m so proud of you, Morgan.

Looking up at him, I smiled. “I couldn’t have done this without you and Mom.”

He winked. “I like to think we might have had some small part in it, but it’s all you, pumpkin. You’re the one with the talent.”

I buried my face against his chest, then felt the warmth of another person behind me. I knew instantly it was my mother. Turning, I fell into her embrace.

“Mom,” was all I could manage to get out before I started to cry again.

Kissing my temple, she whispered, “You’re going to do amazing things, baby girl.”

When I drew back, I caught sight of Ryan watching the exchange. My heart did that familiar flutter it always did when it came to my brother’s best friend. He was a few years older than me, twenty-six, and the only man I’d ever truly had a crush on.

Okay, maybe you could call it a crush when I was ten. Now it was more like I lay in bed at night and pictured him as I slipped my hands between my legs. And there were times when he looked at me, and I swore he felt the same way.

He smiled, and I returned it before quickly looking away. It was easier for me to pretend like I wasn’t secretly in love with the guy. Easy enough, since most of the time I was angry with him, which caused us to bicker. I knew he probably had no idea why I was so bitter. But the hurt he’d caused me two years ago felt as fresh now as it had back then. He’d flirted with me at a charity dance, causing me to think he might feel the same way, only to shatter my heart the next morning.

I had decided to bite the bullet and go to his house to tell him how I felt about him. What I hadn’t expected was to see him standing on his front porch, kissing Emma Myers, right before she told him she’d had a wonderful night. When Ryan had glanced up and saw me, I’d quickly turned and rushed away. Even now, I still prayed he hadn’t seen the tear rolling down my cheek that morning.

After that, I decided I needed to forget about Ryan Marshall and move on. Easier said than done.

Thoughts are much easier than action. I was still hung up on the bastard—though “hung up” might not be a strong enough description for how I felt about him.

Rose and Avery, two of my many cousins, rushed over and demanded I tell them everything about the boutique. I was soon surrounded by family who wanted to know what was happening.

My father had two brothers—Uncle Ty and Uncle Tanner. They lived on our family ranch with their respective wives, Aunt Kaylee and Aunt Timberlynn, and each had two kids. Ty and Kaylee were the parents of Rose Marie and Joshua. Tanner and Timberlynn had Lily and Nathan. We’d all grown up together on the ranch as one huge, happy family, and my cousins felt more like siblings to me and my brothers, Blayze and Hunter.

Then, of course, you had Uncle Dirk and Aunt Merit. They weren’t really blood related, but it felt like they were. Bradly and Avery Grace were their kids. They lived on a ranch not far from ours. Needless to say, when we had family gatherings, there was a lot of chaos. I knew my grams and grandpa loved it. Even Bradly and Avery Grace called them that, instead of Stella and Ty Senior.