Page 5 of Train Me Daddy

The idea of having his own Little was never too far away from Tyler’s mind. Littles were sweet. They had the kind of petit bodies and peachy butts that Tyler wanted to warm up with the flat of his wide palm.

Tyler also had a long-held fantasy of getting hot and heavy in the ocean. Maybe it was a mermaid thing. Or maybe it was wanting to bring his love of the ocean and his attraction to Littles into one very happy meeting place.

Perhaps this fantasy explained why Tyler was so frustrated by seeing and hearing everyone else having so much fun down by the water. Either way, enough was enough. It was too annoying knowing what was going on down there.

Tyler decided it was time to call his friend and fellow Daddy Cyrus to see what he was up to that evening. Anything had to beat crappy new-style action films and stomping around the cottage.

‘Hey, what’s up?’ Cyrus said over the phone. ‘I thought you might call. Call it my Daddy Radar.’

‘Yeah sure. I’m bored. What’s going on?’ Tyler said, moving around the compact kitchen in an attempt to find a better signal.

‘What do you think? I’m lifting some fucking heavy weights and getting strong!’

‘Hell yeah. See you in fifteen?’

‘Damn straight.’

‘Fifteen. See you then,’ Tyler said, putting the phone down and gathering his keys.

It was time to make the quick journey to Cyrus’s gym and start feeling some serious burn.

* * *

‘What the hell?’ Tyler said, the sight of a young girl being accosted by an older and angry looking man immediately grabbing his attention. ‘Hey! Hey there! Stop that!’

Tyler was only a block away from Cyrus’s gym but this situation demanded immediate action. As he bulldozed his way over toward the cute girl and the pissed off looking man, Tyler made some quick judgements.

The girl looked in her early twenties. She was cute, the kind of cute that would make any man look twice or more. She was also distressed and didn’t seem to know how to deal with the elderly gentleman.

Tyler could feel his Daddy instincts rising. He knew he had to get involved, even if it meant only cooling down the obvious heat in the situation.

‘I saidSTOP!’ Tyler snarled, immediately putting his body between the man and the young woman. ‘Now will someone explain to me what in Stallion Valley’s name is going on here?’

‘He’s being… nasty to me!’ the girl said. ‘I was just having fun! It was just a joke! I didn’t know it was his cycle!’

‘She’s a thief and a liar!’ the man said, a furiously angry look on his tanned face. ‘Give me one reason to not call the sheriff. Onegoodreason!’

The girl broke down in tears. Tyler sensed that this wasn’t a fair fight. He also could see that the old man was one of Stallion Valley’s infamous salty retirees. Tyler was going to sort this out and make sure that the girl was fine.

‘You, sir. Calm down,’ Tyler said. ‘I will be taking over from here. There is no need to take this matter further. Do you concur with me?’

Come on you old bastard.

You know you overreacted.

To Tyler’s relief, the old man relented and huffily walked away and back into his house with the bike alongside him.

Tyler turned to face the girl. She had stopped crying but still looked shaken up. Her cute animal print t-shirt and cut-off denim shorts screamedLittle.

‘Thank you,’ she said. ‘My name’s Lilly by the way.’

‘Lilly, it’s a pleasure,’ Tyler said, his voice booming with pride. ‘But this wasn’t a great situation for you to be in. I think you realize that. You’re coming with me. We need a good old-fashioned talk.’

Tyler held his hand out and waited for Lilly to place her dainty little hand in his.

There was only one place in town that Tyler was taking Lilly, and he already knewexactlywhat was on the menu for them too.
