Page 3 of Train Me Daddy

Too demanding?

Still, rather than let himself get bogged down in his distinct lack of a love life, Tyler decided that he would leave his beer unfinished and hit the waves once more.

There would be more beers at home in Stallion Valley, but right now it was all about showing his two bros exactly who the king of the waves truly was…



‘Pizzaaaaaa!’ Lilly shouted at the top of her lungs. ‘Pizza! Pizza! Who wants pizza?’

The perfect tree-lined streets and smart houses passed by in a blur. The evening sun was still warm and Lilly could hear the birds chirping and singing away as she flew by without a care in the world.

Stallion Valley was full of pretty little suburban streets and suburban quaintness.

Some even said that if you looked quaint up in the Webster’s English dictionary you would find nothing but a map of Stallion Valley. It was just that kind of place. And Lilly loved it – especially the extra-steep hills that were perfect for building up speed on.

Lilly was going so fast down the hill that she didn’t need to peddle. It was a freewheeling moment for a freewheeling kinda twenty-three-year-old.

With her pizza delivery cart securely fixed onto the back of her vintage-style peddle bike, Lilly felt as safe as safe could feel.

The fact that the pizza was due at Mr. and Mrs. Trimmer’s place over on Maxwell Avenue over ten minutes ago didn’t even crossed Lilly’s mind for more than a split second.

It’s always nicer when it’s a bit colder.

And even if it’s not… that’s what ovens are for!

Lilly was a pizza delivery girl by evening, and an aspiring author by day. Although this was something she had been saying for what felt like an eternity at this point. To say that progress was slow would be an understatement!

Despite having a ton of good ideas for her YA fantasy series, Lilly was struggling to actually get all that many words on the page. It wasn’t for want of trying, but she just couldn’t seem to strong a consistent run of days together where she was able to put pen to paper. Or fingers onto keyboard. Or… well, you get the picture!

Lilly’s cobalt blue eyes and blond hair that had been with her since the day she was born. She had often thought of trying out a different look, maybe going darker. But Lilly never did. It just wasn’t her.

Lilly’s ruby-red lips and slender waist were part of the reason that she had plenty of admirers across Stallion Valley, but despite the efforts of plenty of guys she was single. It wasn’t that she was against the idea of being with anyone, it was just a touch more complex than that.

Lilly was a Little.

She had known it for a long time and was totally fine with it. A Little was just like anyone else, except for the fact that a Little had certain things they just loved to do.

Coloring in pretty patterns was one thing.

Singing nursery rhymes was another.

The chance to splosh around and make a mess with paint, glue and all manner of sticky crafting kit was yet another.

Some Littles even liked to wear diapers and let themselves have accidents.

Not everyone would want to be in a relationship with a Little. It tended to be a certain kind of man. These men were called Daddies, or sometimes Daddy Doms. They were usually big, gruff and sometimes scary men who liked to take control and even spank Littles. But what a Daddy really did was be there to look after and cherish his Little girl.

Lilly hadn’t met her Daddy yet.

Sometimes it made her sad if she let herself think about it for too long. But that was the key right there… Lilly always made sure she was too busy having fun to let herself think about it.

There was always fun to be had in Stallion Valley. And Lilly would often make it her mission to play at least one prank or practical joke per shift delivering pizzas.

But before Lilly could think too much about what mischief she was going to get up to that evening, it was time to get this extra-large Hawaiian to Mr. and Mrs. Trimmer!

* * *