Anna relaxed into his hold. For right now, she was going to pretend that there wasn’t a huge mess between them and just enjoy his company. The comfort he offered was too much to resist.
Brian kissed the top of her head and she held her breath to avoid the sigh that was lingering at his actions. This was the Brian she needed more than the one she had this week. She needed him just to be there and not be upset with her over everything.
The Brian she had hung out with at her apartment was the one that led her to get this new job. She wouldn’t admit it now, but she was trying to clear a path forward for them so they weren’t working together while dating. Not that he had known any of that.
“Brian?” She steeled her spine, preparing to tell him just that.
The power flickered on quickly before going back out again. Less than a second later it powered back on and stayed on.
Anna blinked, her eyes trying to focus with the office lights on. “Ouch,” she hissed at the pain from the lights.
“What were you saying?” Brian asked.
“Huh?” she asked.
Brian let go of her and grabbed the flashlight, switching it off. “You said my name before the power came on.”
This was a sign, she decided. A sign to keep her mouth shut and just leave things as they were. “Oh. I wanted to say that I was going to miss it here.”
“It won’t be the same without you.”
“I’m going to head out now.” Anna stood and picked up her bag again.
“I’ll ride down with you.” He stood with her.
“That’s not necessary.” She needed to get away before she said anything.
“Let me do this. Just in case something happens again.” Brian reached out and squeezed her hand.
She nodded once more and pulled her hand free. She followed him to the elevators and then rode with him to the ground floor. It was a quiet ride for both of them.
“Thanks,” she said as they reached it. “I’ll, umm, see you tomorrow?”
“Yeah,” Brian said. He didn’t leave the elevator as she exited. “Tomorrow.”
Anna didn’t turn back to him as she stepped out. She didn’t want to force a smile and if she couldn’t give him an honest one, then she was better off walking away.
Chapter eighteen
Annahadbeenworkingher new job for one full week and so far, she’d had nothing to complain about. The people were nice and the work was certainly less stressful than what she’d walked into at Brian’s company.
The only real complaint she couldn’t push away was that Brian wasn’t there. She didn’t want to miss him. He occupied too much of her time already. The one week at the new job meant it had been one week not at his.
“Anna,” Lucy elbowed her. “You’re thinking of him again.”
“No, I’m not,” she instantly defended.
Lucy arched her eyebrow at Anna.
Anna sighed. “Fine. Sorry.”
“If you like this guy that much then what’s the problem?” Lucy asked.
“I told you. He was too much too quick. And, he didn’t trust me,” Anna explained to her again.
“Sounds to me like you gave him a reason not to trust you, but that’s not my business.”
Anna rolled her eyes. “You weren’t there. I know I was talking to you, but he went from the greatest guy to a total jerk.”