“Sorry doesn’t fix it. I asked you for time to work things out for us and this is what I was doing. You didn’t want to give me the time so I’m just moving on.”

“You need to finish this project this weekend,” he reminded her.

She tilted her head and looked at him like he’d lost his mind. “No shit. I said that in my resignation letter plus another week to properly hand things over so the next person doesn’t walk into the mess that I did.”

“How big of you,” he rolled his eyes at her.

“I think so. I could just leave after the launch, Brian. I don’t need to stay and continue this back and forth with you. I think we’ve both learned a lot about each other in a short time and it’s clearly not going to work between us in any way.”

“I think you’re right. I trusted you and you ran more than once without ever talking to me about it. Sorry that I was happy and proud to be dating you. That I didn’t want to hide it.”

“Me too.”

Anna sat down at her desk again and returned her gaze to her computer, dismissing him.

“There had better be no setbacks here.”

“You know as well as I do that, I cannot guarantee anything due to the actions of the previous project manager. I will be here all weekend ensuring that this is thoroughly tested and ready. My name is on this project too and I have no desire to look like an idiot.”

“I will let you know who the handover will be to. I will be there for that transaction and you need to be prepared to answer all questions about the project.”

Anna huffed out a breath. “I would expect nothing else.”

“See that you are ready.”

“Of course.”

Brian stormed out of her office, slamming the door open, surprised he hadn’t torn the damn thing off the hinges. So much for his plan to smooth things over.

When it came to Anna, he had zero control over himself. And even with all of this shit going on, he still had to fight to control his body’s reaction to her. He wanted her still and it seemed to be beyond repair with her.

Brian stalked his way back to his office, closing the door firmly behind him. He blocked his whole calendar off for the day and ignored all pings. He was in no mood for the crap that would be tossed at him now.

Anna had sent an email to Pete about an hour later and copied him on it to let them know that she thought one member of her team would be ready and able to step up and into her role on an acting basis if they were interested.

It made the most amount of sense because he wouldn’t have to hire anyone else, but hated that it came from her. His feelings were all over the place.

Knocking on the door interrupted his thoughts and before he could tell them to go away, Pete let himself in.

“I warned you,” Pete said.

“No. You said some vague shit and then left my office. Don’t start with me,” Brian said.

“Her idea to hand over to the guy on her team is a good one and unless you have an issue that is the path that I am going to go down.” He cleared his throat before continuing. “And your objection cannot be that it was her idea.”

“Which one of us is in charge here?” Brian asked, sarcastically.

“Me. Your head is too far up your butt to act rationally here and we need to have a smooth handover. She’s right that she walked into a mess and I would like to avoid that for anyone else.”

Brian sighed. “Take the lead on this next week. I will be here this weekend to make sure that we are on track for Monday during the testing. You do the handover things. I am removing myself from everything after the launch. Do what you think is best.”

Pete hesitated before nodding. “Good. Send that to me in writing and then maybe take the rest of today off before you tear someone’s head off.”

“Get out of my office,” Brian said with no heat behind his words.

“On my way.”

Pete left and Brian considered his words. Maybe he needed to just go ahead and leave for today, something he never did. It was time to break free from the normal and consider what he wanted out of life going forward before he screwed something else up.”