“What about Mom?” Riley suggested out of the blue.
I wanted to laugh out loud. His mom wouldn’t be able to handle a needle and a thread, much more manage crocheting, even if she wanted to.
Jaynie. We had some fun times together. She used to be down-to-earth when we dated back in college, or that’s what I thought. I never realized she wanted to be filthy rich, no matter what it took to get there, even if it meant running away with a billionaire she hardly knew and leaving her baby and me behind.
Perhaps that's one of the compelling reasons that motivated me to strive for financial success as well. But I did not do it to get her back. I certainly didn’t want to marry anyone like that.
“Your mom doesn’t know how to sew or crochet,” I told Riley, trying to keep my voice neutral.She wouldn’t even bother to learn for you, I thought bitterly.
To Riley’s knowledge, his mother had left to work abroad. I did not have the heart to tell him that she’d left out of pure selfishness, that she went to another country to marry another man who could give her lots of money.
When she’d gone back to Hollywood and wanted to participate in Riley’s life, I let her. She had apologized to me, but I simply shrugged and lied that I understood her.
Nonetheless, she only visited Riley twice a month and never had much participation in his life. Sometimes, she would attend his soccer games or parent-teacher conferences, but only when it was convenient for her.
Thinking about the past stirred the turmoil within me and fanned the flames I always tried to tame. I could feel the anger rising inside, yearning to explode.
I stood up and told Anna to just have her friend come to help out with the project. I will just pay.
“Let’s go, Riley,” I said. “I’ll drive you to school now.”
The negative vibes dragged on throughout the day. I could not help seeing images of my painful memories with Jaynie in my head. It kept ruining my concentration.
When I ran into Kayla and her new client Maya who was supposed to be mine, I got pissed off easily. I was definitely in a very bad mood. However, I noticed that Kayla had tamed her outfit today, though her hair and makeup still made her look like a celebrity.
“Atty. Jefferson!” That was Atty. Emery speaking during our general meeting. I realized he’d been asking me about the case I was currently handling, but my mind was elsewhere. I forced myself to pay attention and to give the report thoroughly.
I felt ashamed of myself and ended up blaming Jaynie once again for losing my focus. Still, deep inside, I knew that I should get over it already and take responsibility. I was the one who had control over my emotions and my performance at work.
From the corner of my eye, I could see Kayla staring hard at me. She wasn’t making a face or teasing me, but maybe that’s because we were still here with the firm’s owners and the other lawyers.
After the meeting, the day was not over yet. It was turning out to be a very long one. I couldn’t wait to get home.
Some of the men invited me to go have drinks with them at our favorite bar, but I turned it down.
“You hardly go out with us,” Drew said. “It’s time to loosen up.”
“Some other time,” was all I said.
When I stepped into the elevator in a hurry that evening after finishing up some paper work, I was shocked to find Kayla there. She, too, looked up astounded.
The elevator doors closed. I did not say anything. I simply looked straight ahead.
“You look like you need some rest,” she remarked. We were standing on the opposite side of the elevator, but it still felt like the space was closing in on us.
I felt insulted by her words. I chose not to react. I didn’t have the energy to argue or play this game with her.
“You’ve got too much on your hands, perhaps,” she said mockingly. “So it turned out to be a blessing for both of us that Maya picked me to take her case.”
That was low.I think.
This time, she definitely achieved her purpose of pissing me off big time.
“That case shouldn’t be too complicated for you,” I retorted. “Good that you got it, because it would have been a waste of my precious time. Too simple for my standards, but definitely at par with yours.”
Her mouth dropped open in disbelief. I glanced at her with a satisfied smirk on my face before getting off the elevator.
Chapter 5