I basked in the euphoric feeling that washed over me, savoring every moment as if it were the sweetest nectar. It was a sensation unlike any other, and I knew that nothing else in the world could compare to the bliss I was experiencing. I never wanted this moment to end, for time to stand still so that I could savor this intoxicating pleasure forever. It was as if the stars had aligned just for me, and I was lost in the rapture of the moment, swept away by the passion that coursed through my veins.
But finally, he gave me one final hard shove, lingering there in a deep part that only he had reached inside of me. I felt him exploding against my inner walls as he gave a long, loud moan.
We lay on the large sofa, with me slightly on top of him.
It wasn’t long after that I felt myself drifting off to sleep. But the sound of Beatrice’s sudden cries woke me up and made me sit up at once. I rushed to her side and took her in my arms, swaying her back and forth.
“Ssshhh… It’s alright, my baby…” I whispered.
I sat down and positioned her head near my breast. She began to suck on my nipple, eager to drink my milk.
I could feel Robert’s eyes on us, making me feel very self-conscious. After all, I still wasn’t wearing anything.
Beatrice began to settle down. In just a few seconds, she was sleeping again. I put her back in the crib and got dressed.
I felt Robert come up to me, wrapping his arms around my body and just embracing me with so much passion. I didn’t know how to react. Now that my brain was working normally again, I remembered what I had initially planned to tell him. At the same time, I began to think of how this intimacy would affect our dynamics and the future.
He kissed the top of my head. “Good night, Kayla,” he whispered. His voice sounded like he was smiling.
I turned to look at him, but I didn’t have a chance to speak my mind. He was already heading to his bedroom, not even bothering to take me with him. All at once, I felt disappointed and knew that he did not see me the way I wanted him to. This was leading nowhere.
The next morning, I woke up to the delicious smell of bacon and pancakes wafting from the kitchen. I had stayed up until four or five, I think, until Beatrice had fallen asleep. Checking the clock, I noted that it was seven in the morning now.
I checked on Beatrice. She was still sleeping. I went to wash my face and brush my teeth before heading to the kitchen.
Sounds of male laughter drifted in the hallway. It was Robert and Riley. A surge of happiness spread within me when I saw them wearing aprons and playing around in the kitchen while cooking breakfast.
Perhaps I hadn’t gotten the happy ending I wanted for myself, but I was glad that Riley’s story had changed. He and his dad had grown so much closer since the accident.
“Good morning, Kayla!” Riley greeted cheerfully. “Come and taste our blueberry pancakes.”
“Hi, Kayla,” Robert greeted, his eyes seemingly drilling a hole into mine.Why did he have to look at me like that when he didn’t really take me seriously?
It was definitely a sunny morning. There was a positive vibe in the air. I couldn’t help smiling in spite of the disappointment over realizing that this was it for us. Maybe I’ll be happier if I just learn to accept it as it is.
“Hi, you two,” I greeted, consciously adding some cheer to my voice. “Seems like there’s something special about this morning.”
They exchanged looks that I didn’t quite get. Perhaps it was because they had established a very close relationship, and I was none other than an outsider.
“What’s up?” I asked curiously.
“Can you bring the pancakes to the garden area?” Robert asked me. He didn’t bother answering my question.
“We’ll eat there?” I asked, surprised. It was quite rare, often reserved for special occasions. “Are we celebrating something I’m not aware of?”
“It’s Beatrice’s first month!” Riley said. “Right, Dad?”
“Yes, of course,” Robert answered quickly. “That’s something to celebrate, don’t you think?”
“Well, yes,” I agreed. I took the tray of pancakes and went through the hallway leading to the French doors that opened up to the garden.
I paused in front of the doors, taking in the lovely garden setting on the other side. More flowers had already bloomed. The sunlight was bathing them in its glory.
Anna, whom I didn’t know was supposed to be back already, opened the doors for me.
“Thanks,” I said, giving her a smile. “Good morning, Anna! I didn’t know you were back.”
“Good morning, Kayla,” she greeted back as she led me outside.