I did not want to let Beatrice go. At that moment, I felt a strong will to have her and Kayla live with me so we, as parents, could both watch her grow up in front of our eyes and take care of her all the time.

I’m pretty sure Riley would love to have her there too, and Anna is more than willing to help out.

“Riley’s going to love you, Beatrice,” I whispered, kissing the baby’s forehead.

Kayla grinned. “Does he know already?”

I shook my head. “It’s going to be a surprise. We’ll visit you very soon… Or you can stay in our house for a while…”

Kayla’s eyes widened at my suggestion. She didn’t say anything.

“Yeah, I think that would be a good idea,” Raven butt in with a meaningful glance at Kayla who was giving her an evil look.

“You’ll certainly need help taking care of that baby and attending to household needs at the same time,” Kayla’s dad said thoughtfully.

I looked at Kayla expectantly. “You’re welcome to stay in my place for as long as you want. I would love to have you and Beatrice there.”

“I’m sure it’ll be so much fun!” Raven quipped, grinning widely. “I mean, of course, you’re still recovering from childbirth, and it’s your first time and all. It would help to have assistants.”

Kayla was hesitating. She seemed to look pressured.

“It’s alright if you need time to think it through first,” I told her with a smile. “You don’t have to decide right now.”

“Weigh the pros and cons like a lawyer, my dear,” her father suggested. “You didn’t top the bar for nothing.”

Kayla gave him a shaky smile. She looked uncertain and nervous about the prospect of moving in with me again, especially now that Beatrice was here.

“I think it will be best if you consider what’s good for your daughter,” her father added.

She nodded in agreement. “Yes, that’s my priority,” Kayla answered. “Not myself.”

Then she turned toward me. “Well… Beatrice seems to like you a lot…”

Beatrice was now fast asleep in my arms. I smiled at my daughter and then at her mother. “Of course. She knows who her dad is.”

“Okay,” she suddenly said.

I felt my heart beginning to thump harder. I could almost hear its strong beats. “Okay? Is that a yes?” I wanted to confirm.

Kayla nodded. “Yes. For Beatrice.”

It was definitely a good start for our family, if one could call us that.

Chapter 29


Afterstayingupallnight to watch over Beatrice and breastfeed her, she finally fell asleep at six in the morning.

I was so exhausted. I never realized how tiring it was to care for such a tiny person.

It’s been a month since we got out of the hospital and moved into the Jefferson mansion. Beatrice hasn’t adjusted to day and night yet, so it was really difficult. There were times when Robert would come into my room and sway her in his arms when she cried, and I was just physically drained.

I lay her inside the crib and then found myself yawning like crazy as I plopped down on the bed in the guest room.

Robert had wanted to set up the crib in the extra room he’d decorated as a nursery. It was such a beautiful room, but I insisted on having the crib in the guest room with me first. I was the one with separation anxiety, I guess.

Besides, I needed to be there for the baby in a jiffy whenever she wanted to drink milk or needed something. I had to watch her closely.