“I’m right here, Kayla!” I heard Raven say. Or maybe it was in my dream?
I felt like I was floating through a surreal experience. I felt as if I was both awake and asleep, mildly aware of what was happening.
But eventually, everything faded away. I was greatly worried. Why couldn’t I hear my baby?
I never heard her cry.
Then I woke up completely.
Raven and my dad were there, sitting in the hospital room.
“Hi,” Dad greeted, a big smile spreading across his face. “How are you feeling, Kayla?”
“A little dizzy,” I admitted. Then feeling alarmed as I remembered what had happened, I sat up and suddenly felt the world spinning around me. But I was determined to find out where my daughter was. “Where’s Beatrice?” I demanded to know.
“Oh, don’t worry,” Raven assured me. “She’s safe… and oh so very cute and adorable!”
“What? You’ve seen her already?!” I said out loud. “But I’m the mom! I should see her first!”
“It’s alright, dear,” Dad said, trying to calm me down. “Beatrice is super fine. And you had to be placed under anesthesia and put to sleep during the operation, which is why you haven’t seen her yet. But they did bring her close to you when she came out. You were still maybe dazed.”
I felt disappointed. “I wanna see her now.”
“She’s in the nursery,” Raven said. “But they’re bringing her here in a few minutes for breastfeeding.”
“What? How do I do that?” I asked in a panic.
“They’ll teach you, I’m sure,” Raven said, smiling. “You’re going to be an amazing mom to Beatrice.”
“I’m so proud of you, Kayla,” Dad suddenly said, astonishing me. “You’re just like your mother. You know, she was so concerned about you throughout her pregnancy and especially when you got out. She dropped everything for you, but eventually came back to her career and built it really well…”
I was surprised at the story Dad was telling me now. He continued to describe how my mom had stayed home, contrary to how career-driven she used to be. My mother had taken such good care of me and yet still built a great career afterwards.
“I’m sure you’ll do the same,” Dad told me with a smile. He patted my head lovingly. “I’m so proud of you, Kayla.”
I felt my heart flying off my chest. All I ever wanted was to make him proud of me, and it just touched me so much that he could feel that for me even though I’d hardly done anything with my career.
“But I let you down,” I whispered. “I wasn’t able to follow your footsteps yet.”
“I’ve always been proud of all your accomplishments, Kayla,” Dad said. “You never let me down because no matter what life threw at you, you always managed to make the right decisions even without my guidance. You were always so strong and brave that I was afraid you didn’t need me at all. But Kayla… that is what makes me prouder, knowing that you’re so independent and driven and that you can stand tall and make life work out well for you despite the odds…”
I felt my throat constricting. I could not believe he was saying all those things. I nodded and whispered, “Thank you, Dad. I love you so much.”
“And I love you more, dear,” he answered.
Just then, there was a knock on the door. Suddenly, a nurse came in, pushing a special infant carrier with a serene-looking baby girl who looked a lot like me.
I was speechless as my eyes took in my daughter’s appearance.She’s actually here now. She’s for real.
I was so overwhelmed. But when she was placed in my arms, my maternal instincts kicked in. She seemed to feel even more relaxed in my arms. I began to sway her a little, humming a tune that my mom used to sing to me.
“Oh, isn’t she the cutest?” Dad said, making cooing sounds that made Raven and me laugh. “Hello, there, little Beatrice. It’s me, your super cool and handsome grandpa.”
We all laughed. Beatrice’s lips turned up in a mini smile, which made us all go crazy.
Another knock came at the door. Raven got up to open it. But before she even got near, it swung open, revealing the familiar tall and well-built figure I knew so well.
Robert stood there looking at all of us, seemingly in shock at first. His gaze moved to the baby I was rocking in my arms.