“I’m… pregnant…” I said, forcing myself to meet his gaze.There, I’ve let it out.
My father did not wince. No movement. He was quiet for a while, seemingly absorbing the information. Then he turned toward Robert. “And I assume you are the father?” he asked without any emotion. He and Robert seemed to share that ability in common.
Robert nodded. “Yes, Sir. We wanted to tell you from the very start, but we decided to wait until we were sure that we’ll be going through with it and that we already have plans for the future.”
Dad took a deep breath and leaned back on his chair. He crossed one leg over the other and casually asked, “So what are your plans exactly?”
I spoke up this time. “Dad, Robert and I aren’t really a couple. But we agreed that we would both take care of this baby. And maybe when the child is already two or three months old, I can return to building my law career.”
My heart was hammering so wildly that I felt like I could hear the beating in my ears. I felt tears threatening to fall down my cheeks.
Dad sighed. Then to my shock, he went over to me and embraced me.
Overcame with emotions, I crumbled under the weight of my feelings and let my tears fall freely. To my surprise, he did not react with the anger and disappointment I had anticipated, but rather with tenderness and understanding. He held me tightly, his hand caressing my back in a comforting manner, soothing me like he had done when I was just a young girl. In that moment, I was filled with immense gratitude and love for my dad who had always been my rock.
When we pulled apart, he said, “You should have told me sooner, Kayla. You know I only want what’s best for you. Ideally, that would have been to build your career first before becoming a mom. But this child is here now and it’s definitely a blessing. I know you’ll make a fantastic mother!”
“Thank you so much, Dad,” I uttered between my sobs. “You don’t know how happy and relieved I am right now.”
He looked at me with concern. “You shouldn’t worry or cry too much. It’s not good for the baby.”
I nodded, smiling amid my tears. I looked at Robert, who was also smiling at us.
“I’m sure Robert here will be a fine dad as well,” Dad added, looking at Robert.
Robert stood up from his seat. “I promise to do my best, Sir.”
They shook hands. Then Dad turned back to me. “I trust you, Kayla. You’ve always been a bright girl, so I know you’ll handle this well. You’ll make the right decisions for the future you want for yourself. And I’ll just be here to support you.”
“Thank you soooo, soooo much,” I exclaimed, hugging him again.
“When are you due?” Dad asked, suddenly looking excited.
“In about four months,” I answered.
“Great! I can’t wait to meet my future grandchild!” he said, his eyes lighting up.
I laughed. “Oh, me, too. And I’m sure he or she will surely adore you just like I do!”
It was supposed to be a reason for celebration, a time to be happy. I felt like a big chunk of knives had been lifted out from my heart.
But once we were back in the car, Robert went back to his quiet, brooding self. He seemed to be thinking deeply and was always lost in his own thoughts lately.
“What’s on your mind?” I asked. I was getting sick and tired of his attitude.
“Nothing,” he answered, looking straight at the road. He didn’t even glance at me. “I have an online conference, so I’ll be in my home office the rest of the day.”
It seemed like he was saying,I’ll be busy, so don’t fucking disturb me.
“I think I have to move out now,” I told him. The thought has been going around in my head for the past few days. “I need to go back to my apartment.”
“Why? You can stay at my house as long as you want. Besides, Anna’s there to assist you with your needs. In your apartment, there’s no one to help.”
“I don’t care,” I said stubbornly. “It’s my own space. I feel more comfortable there. And the doctor said I’m perfectly fine now. I’ve been out of the danger zone for a long time now.”
“Suit yourself,” was all he said.
I glared at him, though I wasn’t sure if he could see me. Then I faced the other side and stared out the window, holding back tears. I’ve done enough crying for today, so I really didn’t want to shed any more.