“Do you see him anywhere?” I asked. I didn’t even bother checking.
She nervously and angrily looked around. “Even if!” she retorted.
I took a deep breath before speaking. I had to calm my nerves or I might say something I would later regret.
She placed her hands on her waist and looked at me crossly, stomping her foot impatiently.
“Look, Kayla…” I began in a very controlled tone of voice. “I care about you and the baby, and I want the best for both of you. But we can’t go on like this. I can’t go on hiding and pretending. Your dad may get disappointed, but I’m sure he’ll understand. So let’s just talk to him and get it over and done with.”
“Yeah, fine,” was all she muttered. “That’s exactly what I was saying a while ago.”
“Just set it up and I’ll be there,” I said before walking back to the car.
She followed behind me and got into the car with a frown on her face.
Chapter 21
Thejourneytomyfather's abode was suffused with an oppressive hush that hung heavily between us. The stillness was pregnant with unspoken words and festering emotions, creating an atmosphere of immense strain and unease that threatened to overwhelm us both.
Since that fateful shopping trip where we caught a glimpse of Drew, only a few days had passed, yet I couldn't help but notice the sudden change in Robert's demeanor. He had grown uncharacteristically taciturn and began to avoid me as if trying to keep a safe distance. His absence from home was palpable, even though he insisted that his workload had intensified.
“You know, I could have just done this by myself,” I emphasized once we parked in front of the familiar driveway of the house where I grew up.
“That wouldn’t be right,” Robert said without glancing at me. “And that would have angered your dad even more.”
I knew he was right.
We both got out of the car simultaneously without another word. I walked ahead of him to the front door, my heart suddenly pounding hard. I felt my palms beginning to sweat.
Dad was expecting us. I told him that I needed to tell him something very important, and that Robert was coming with me. He didn’t even question it, but I’m not sure what he assumed it to be.
He opened the door, a smile on his face. “Welcome, my dear! I’m glad to see you again! You’ve been gone a long time.”
I flinched at his words because today, I was about to inform him that I had lied about my trip, about being away.
I forced a smile and kissed him on the cheek.
He then smiled at Robert. “I’m sure you two have been busy on the case, right?”
“Ahh… Yes, Sir,” Robert answered. “Good morning. Thanks for having us.”
“Come in, come in!” Dad invited, leading us to the living room. He offered us coffee, but I was limiting my caffeine intake because of my pregnancy. So I opted for just water.
He and Robert sipped their coffee as they chatted about some other case at Lee and Emery.
After a while, Dad turned to me. “How have you been? You seem to be gaining some weight, darling, but it looks good on you. I’d rather see you like that than be so skinny, as if you’re not feeding yourself properly!”
I smiled uneasily, leaning forward in my chair. “Actually, it’s what we came to talk to you about…”
His eyebrows furrowed as he waited expectantly. Now it looked like he really hadn’t expected this news I was about to tell him. I could feel my heart racing.
Robert and I exchanged glances. He gave me an encouraging smile. That made me feel more at ease, since he hasn’t been himself lately. At least he was still showing his support in this.
“Uh… Dad… I don’t know how to begin this, so I’m gonna go right ahead and blurt it out…” I started.
He probably felt that this was something serious because he shifted his position and then just stayed silent, waiting for me to go on.