As for me, I’ve just been going with the flow. There were days when her spirit could really be contagious and my adoration for her would sometimes push me to want to make our relationship official. But then, there were also days when fears and doubts suddenly made me want to run away and hide.
So far, my confusion has rendered me mum on our relationship status and where it’s heading. I also have no idea what she wants in this regard. She hasn’t been vocal about it, perhaps because she doesn’t want to pressure me. She doesn’t want me to commit just because there’s a baby involved.
One time she said, “I really appreciate what you do for me and the baby, Robert, but please don’t be pressured or obligated. I can take care of this baby myself and I’d completely understand if you’d rather go back to your old life. No hard feelings.”
I was astonished, but I nodded. She just wanted me to know. And so we remained as such. Hanging. No labels. Just enjoying each other’s company.
For now, it has been working for both of us. Even for my son Riley, Kayla’s presence in the house has been very helpful.
As we moved around the shop, my mind began to wander. For some reason, I started recalling my ex-girlfriend and how she’d caused me so much pain. I had been so hopeful and eager to make things work when she got pregnant. But our relationship had remained strained in spite of my efforts.
Every time a woman seemed to be moving closer to me, I began to have these apprehensions. After a few dates with the same person, I usually just stop calling or inviting that woman out because fear often takes over.
“Hey, Robert! Earth to Robert!” I heard Kayla’s voice.
I turned toward her, my face was devoid of emotion. She was showing me a wooden crib that had all these amazing features. On the surface, I was nodding and smiling. But deep inside, I was starting to sense that familiar anxiety creeping up and pushing me to just bolt and forget about all this.
I shook my head to remove the negative thoughts and feelings. I couldn’t abandon Kayla and our baby, just like what Jaynie did to Riley and me. I couldn’t let my fear and worries get in the way of something potentially beautiful.
But honestly, I was not ready for this yet. It’s just that Kayla has been going out of her mind at home. She was bored and excited to check out stuff for the baby. She’s been treating it too, like a case or a project, doing a lot of research and creating plans and timelines.
Finally, we decided to head over to this strip of boutiques in the city's outskirts. It’s an area that’s not visited by a lot of people, and it seemed like a place that our colleagues and friends would not visit.
“Oh, my gosh!” Kayla exclaimed.
I was lost in my thoughts and figured she’d just found something she liked again. But then, the sound of her gasp and the tight grip she suddenly placed on my arm made me stop and look at her.
“It’s Drew!” she hissed, looking through the glass window of the store. I followed her gaze and was alarmed to see one of our colleagues passing by, walking very slowly.
Suddenly, he turned his head toward us. Kayla acted fast, ducking and pulling me down with her.
“He can’t see us!” she whispered sharply.
Before I could react, she began dragging me across the shop to hide behind some shelves. I glanced outside. Drew was still there, standing and seemingly waiting for someone. But at least he did not seem to notice us.
“I don’t think there’s a chance he’ll come in here,” I told Kayla. “Just relax, okay? Getting stressed out won’t be good for the baby.”
Nodding, she stood straight and started taking deep breaths.
At least we could now stand tall without the risk of getting seen.
Peeking outside again, Kayla heaved a sigh of relief. “Oh, thank God he’s gone now. But we can’t go out just yet.”
“Right,” I said, feeling annoyed. I wasn’t up to this hide-and-seek thing, and I hated having to hide all this from all the people we knew. It was definitely a challenge, and a great nuisance.
She was quiet all of a sudden. Then she turned toward me with a determined expression on her face. “We have to tell my father,” she blurted out.
It was a shock for me, but then it would be a relief too, to let it out. Then we wouldn’t have to keep hiding, which I really detested.
“Yeah, that’s a good idea,” I agreed. “I hate all this hiding. We’re both single. You got pregnant. So what, right? Things like that are normal.”
“You don’t understand!” she said angrily, her eyes flashing.
I raised my hands up in surrender and just walked away.
“Where are you going?” she said, her voice still filled with anger. But she still followed me when I went outside.
She grabbed my hand and turned me around to face her once we were standing in front of the shop. “Are you crazy?! What if Drew’s still here?”