“You’re rubbing off on me,” I said, frowning. “Tsk-tsk. Such a bad influence.”

We both laughed then. I could sense the connection between us deepening. It felt so damn good.

I decided not to mention running into her dad. It would just worry her, and she needed as much rest as possible.

Later that day, I decided to try my hand in the kitchen. I simply cooked some pasta and made some sandwiches. Anna did help me out.

I put two servings on a tray and ate with Kayla in her bedroom. Riley wasn’t hungry yet and said he would just eat later on.

When I came into her room, Kayla was talking to her best friend on the phone. “Don’t worry,” she was saying. “Yeah, he’s taking good care of me.” She glanced at me then and smiled. I motioned to the food I’d brought.

“Listen, I’ll call you again later,” she said over the phone. “Bye!”

“Raven is very much welcome here if she wants to visit you,” I told her.

“Oh, no, that’s fine,” she immediately answered. “I’m imposing too much already. I can’t even believe I’m living here, and you’re the one who’s doing all this stuff for me. It’s just too much.”

“Kayla, relax,” I said. “It’s nothing. I want to do this for you and our baby, so just let me. It’s therapeutic. I haven’t done anything like this in a long time.”

“Hhmmm… since you’re turning us into your personal shrink, then I guess that makes us even,” she said. “Consider it my payment.”

“Yeah, that’s great!” I agreed, chuckling.

She was famished and ended up eating everything on her plate before I finished mine. I guess it’s because she’s now eating for two people.

I figured staying on bed rest, even for just a short time, was probably super boring for someone like Kayla, so I offered to stick around and watch a movie with her.

“Are you sure? Don’t you want to play Riley’s new game with him so the two of you can bond together?” she asked.

“Oh, it’s alright,” I said. “We’re planning to go biking tomorrow morning before I leave for work and before he goes to school.”

“Wow, that’s amazing,” Kayla said, her face brightening. “I’m sure he’s excited already. He’s been talking nonstop about you, you know. He really looks up to you.”

That surprised me, but it was heartwarming indeed. “Thanks. I’m glad. And having you here, I think, seems to be good for him too. For us.”

“Thank you,” she said, leaning over and kissing me on the cheek.

But when she came close, I quickly turned my head and instead pressed my lips against hers. She gasped but didn’t pull back. I took the chance and continued to kiss her, encouraging her to return the passion.

Soon our lips and tongues were entangled in a fervent kiss. It was heavenly. I never wanted the moment to end.

Chapter 17


Iwokeupwitha goofy smile on my face. Perhaps I had been dreaming of Robert and myself. Instinctively I also touched my growing tummy, whispering, “Good morning, baby.”

Slowly I sat up in bed. That’s when I noticed that the lavishly decorated guest room had been filled with colorful balloons.

“Wait a minute,” I murmured. “Did I forget my own birthday?”

I tried to rack my brain for an occasion, but I came up with none.

On the foot of my bed, I found a single long-stemmed rose with a note from Robert.

You can’t see the rainbow in the sky from there, so I decided to bring you all the colors.

There was no name, but I recognized his handwriting. And besides, there’s no one else who would do something like that for me. I was so moved by the sweet message. I could feel my heart beginning to hammer against my chest.