She gave me a meaningful look. “That warehouse with the diner set.”
“Oh,” was all I managed to say. Suddenly, our memories of intimacy came rushing back to me. I felt a wave of heat flush throughout my body.
We’re going back to the place that brought us to this situation. How timely.
Chapter 13
Itseemedlikedestinywas playing a chess game, and we were the sacrificial pawns.
I felt my heartbeat rapidly increasing as we stepped inside the warehouse. I couldn’t believe we were here a few months ago, sharing a moment of passion that blossomed into a child.
This time, the place was bustling with activity. Crew members fixed cameras and cables, tested various lighting setups, and checked on props.
My eyes immediately flew over to the table in the diner set where Robert had laid me down. I felt my body reacting to the thought, stirring my libido and rousing all my senses.
I could see Robert looking at it from the corner of my eye, too. But today, several actors gathered around that table, wearing costumes that made them look like characters from a sixties movie.
“Kayla!” I heard Raven’s voice. Turning toward the sound, I saw her coming forward in a cute little diner waitress outfit and a big blonde wig.
“Oh, you look so pretty in that!” I said. I knew she would be an extra in this scene they were filming today.
She gave me a weak smile but acted like she wasn’t her usual bubbly self. Her face was a bit pale too. “I’m not feeling so well, Kayla. I have a bad headache, and I’ve been throwing up. I think I’m coming down with something. I just need to go to the doctor.”
”Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that,” I said. I wanted to tell her I’d been throwing up too, but I hoped she wasn’t pregnant like me.
“Anyway, I have to leave now, but they desperately need another actress today!” she said.
She was strangely looking at me. At first, I didn’t understand it. Then it began to dawn on me.
“Ohhh… Do you want me to be the extra actress? To take your place?!” I asked, bewildered.
“Well, not exactly my place,” she explained. “They got someone to do this waitress role, so they just need one for the elegant lady part, and I can’t find anyone at the last minute more suited for that than you!”
“Oh, please, Kayla! You’ll wear a beautiful sixties dress and look like an heiress. And besides, you used to do theater! You’ll be perfect for this.”
“But Raven, I’m a lawyer now,” I emphasized, lowering my voice and leaning closer to her. “I can’t just take on a role here.”
“Nobody here knows you’re a lawyer,” she pointed out. Then glancing at Robert and smiling, she added, “Well, except for him.”
“I don’t know…”
“It’ll be fun!” she insisted. “I know you miss acting! It’s just a short scene, and there are no lines. All you have to do is walk into the diner, looking like you’re lost. The clients for this scene will be the ones speaking as they look at you.”
I took a deep breath and grinned. It sounded like fun, a fresh breath of air amid this mess I was facing.
“Thank you, thank you!” Raven gushed even before I’d said yes. She knew the look on my face. She knew me so well.
Robert looked like he wanted to protest, probably worried it might exhaust me.
Before he and I could say anything else, Raven called over some of her friends in charge of makeup and costume. I was ushered into a private room, and in just a few minutes, I came out looking like Audrey Hepburn in a slim white pencil-cut dress with matching mid-arm gloves, a hat, and pearl accessories.
I smiled at Robert from across the room as I saw him staring at me and looking mesmerized.
The director called everyone’s attention before I got to speak with him. But all the time the scene was shot, I could sense his eyes burning a hole through my body. I suddenly felt self-conscious.