She nodded and then looked out the window.

“So you’ve decided to keep the baby?” I said in a hopeful tone. I honestly did not know what it would mean for the two of us and how the arrangement would be, but my initial goal was to save the baby’s life.

She was quiet for a while. Then she turned to face me as I was driving. “I haven’t decided, Robert. But you’re right… It should be a mutual decision.”

I nodded, happy she was beginning to think more logically — like an actual lawyer.

“Oh, God!” she suddenly said tensely. “Why are we even in this situation? We should just be talking about the case, not a baby!”

I could understand the roller-coaster of emotions she was probably going through. It was always more difficult for the woman.

“If we’re going to keep it, we should talk to Dad together!” she suddenly said.

I never even thought about that yet. Suddenly, the prospect of facing her father and telling him about this pregnancy made me a little nervous.

“He knows I’m single, so this is going to come off as a shock,” she blabbered. She kept on going on and on about how her father would be disappointed and might even get angry.

“Relax, Kayla,” I said, placing a hand above hers. “We’ll do it together. It’s going to be okay. He’ll understand.”

“We’ll have to have a solid argument,” Kayla said. “Or he’ll be ready to sentence us to death or even worse!”

I parked the car behind the main building. “Kayla, we’ll talk about it later. For now, we need to focus on this case.”

She took a deep breath and nodded, straightening her shoulders and shifting into serious lawyer mode. “Yeah, you’re right. I can do this.”

She managed to act like nothing like this was bothering her throughout the meeting with Mr. Miller. I was so relieved.

But as soon as we went out the door, she exhaled heavily as if she’d been holding it all in. I took her hand and squeezed it. To my surprise, she didn’t pull away. We both knew she needed the consolation.

She jumped when her phone rang.

“It’s Raven,” she told me before answering. “Hi, Raven. What’s up?”

She paused for a while. Then she said, “Oh, okay. I’m going there now.”

She looked at me and said, “Listen, I have to see what Raven needs me for. She said she’d got a big favor to ask because she’s not feeling so well today. You can go ahead. I’ll just take a cab going home.”

“It’s okay, I can stay with you,” was my immediate reply. “Besides, you might need to run an errand for her or something. It’s better if I can drive for you. Does she know?”

Her eyes widened, then she shook her head. “I haven’t told her yet.”

“I see,” I said. “Anyway, I’ll go with you. And I want to drive you home, alright? Just ensure you don’t have a dizzy spell or something later. It’s not safe.”

She smiled a little. It made me feel good that she was now more receptive to allowing me to care for her and the baby in her tummy.

The feeling was weird but good.

I remembered Jaynie and how I acted the same way when I found out she was pregnant. She’d let me pamper her, but I never knew she couldn’t see herself being with me for the rest of her life.

This time, Kayla and I weren’t even in a relationship. Nevertheless, I wanted to show her that I care for her and our child.

“Thank you, Robert,” she whispered.

“You’re always welcome,” I answered. “And thank you for letting me care for you and the baby. You don’t need to go through this alone. I’m here, okay?”

She nodded. We continued to walk out of the building.

“Where are we meeting, Raven?” I wondered.