“I am fine,” I insisted with a hint of irritation in my tone.

I felt so tense. My mind was a mess. Instinctively I went to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of wine. I started pouring it into a wine glass when Robert stopped me.

“Oh, no, I don’t think you’re supposed to drink that,” he said, taking the wine glass and pouring the contents onto the sink.

I looked at him in disbelief. “Are you going to start controlling me now?!” I said angrily.

He took my bottle of wine and returned it to the rack. “If that’s what it takes to ensure the baby stays healthy,” he said without emotion.

It just infuriated me to hear him talk as if he actually cared. “You’re insane!” I screamed. “Aarrrrgghhh!” The frustration, anger, and confusion were all making me act up. I felt as if I was about to blow up like a bomb.

“Kayla, you’re the one who’s acting insane,” he said in a calm, controlled voice. “Please sit down. It’s not healthy for you or the baby.”

“Baby! Baby! Why do you even fucking care?” I yelled, storming out of the kitchen and plopping onto the sofa. I suddenly felt greatly exhausted. And I was beginning to get dizzy again.

He followed me and sat down across from me. “Kayla, this baby is ours. It’s half mine. Of course, I care.”

At that moment, I felt the words sinking in very slowly, like lava rolling down from the top of a volcano, moving faster and faster toward me until it was already hurtling. A feeling of dread began to spread throughout my body, making me feel cold all over. I shuddered, suddenly imagining myself with a bulging belly and then picturing that disappointed look on my dad’s face.

“I can’t keep it,” I suddenly blurted out.

“What?” Robert said in shock. “You don’t mean that. You’re just terrified and confused right now. I get it---”

“No! You don’t!” I interrupted him. “I can’t have this baby. I’m at the prime of my career. It’s going to ruin everything. And I don’t want to disappoint my father.”

“Kayla, you have to think it through first,” he said, his voice tense now. “Don’t do anything rash.”

I turned to stare at him. “No, Robert,” I said firmly. “I want an abortion. As soon as possible. I’m certain of it.”

His face was turning red. He was clenching and unclenching his fists. “You can’t do that,” he said, this time in an angry tone. “You can’t just decide on your own. The baby is ours!”

“Well, I don’t want it!” I screamed, standing up. “And this is my body, so I have the right to decide!”

He stood up too. “Kayla…”

“Get out!” I yelled, pushing him toward the door. “I don’t want you here either.”

“Look, we need to---”

“I said get out!” I shouted again. I didn’t want to deal with him at the moment. I wasn’t thinking straight and felt so many negative emotions simultaneously. They were eating me up and making me nuts.

To my relief, Robert stepped out of my apartment without another word.

I looked at the wine longingly. But I didn’t do anything.

After a while, I heard my phone ringing. It was Robert, so I didn’t answer it. Then he sent a message, sort of pleading with me to let these feelings pass and take time to think things through.

I hated that he showed so much concern for this baby and me. Why did he even care? It would be much easier if he’d just been an asshole.

I touched my tummy with trembling hands, imagining a tiny fetus curled inside. I burst into tears, not knowing what to do.

Then I cried until I fell asleep on the couch.

Chapter 12


Iwokeupwithan unshakable feeling that something was wrong. Then everything came back to me at once. I groaned as I remembered how Kayla had acted. But at the same time, fear gripped my heart. I hoped she hadn’t done anything reckless yet.