Maybe we should never have had sex. It’s never good to mix the personal with work.

It was my initial thought. But I had no feelings of regret. We’d both wanted it so badly. It was the best sex I’ve had in a long time, and I had no regrets.

We heard a click, followed by a buzzing sound. I turned toward the door.

“Oh, thank God!” Kayla exclaimed when she saw someone come in. It was one of the guards, followed by a familiar face in preppy clothes.

“Hi, Sir,” my assistant Willard greeted me. “I got the message you sent, but perhaps it came in late because of your signal. I hope you and your companion are okay.”

“Yes, we’re fine,” I answered. “Thank you.”

Kayla gave me a puzzled look. I thought my message was not sent, but maybe it eventually got through, so Willard contacted the guards and staff here.

“Would you like to ride in the limousine with the chauffeur?” Willard asked as we walked outside and finally breathed fresh air. It was dark already. “I can take your other car home for you.”

“It’s fine, Willard. Thank you.”

The Fantasy Flicks guard apologized repeatedly, but we told him it was fine. He eventually left and said that Mr. Miller would contact us tomorrow.

I turned to Kayla then. “So… now that you know I did try to send a message, and it wasmewho got us out of here before the night ended…”

She lifted her chin and refused to look at me. I had to stifle a chuckle.

“... will you allow me to drive you home, please?” I finished my sentence.

To my amazement, she finally met my eyes and said yes. She did not say sorry, however. But I didn’t mind.

I just wanted us to end the day on a positive note.

Chapter 9


Raven’sscreamsofexcitementfilled my entire apartment. I had to cover her mouth to stop her.

“You had sex at the diner movie set???” she repeated, loud enough for my neighbors to hear.Holy crap.

“Keep your voice down, Raven,” I begged her.

She laughed and said sorry. Then she squealed and jumped up and down like a teenager. “I will never look at that diner the same way again!”

It’s been a few days since that fateful event. I haven’t forgotten it one bit. The memory has been eating me up so badly that I mentioned the getting trapped part to Raven. But she’d always been good at squeezing out details I intentionally skipped.

“So, how have you two been after that?” she asked with great interest, leaning forward on my kitchen counter as she watched me baking some cookies.

“Uhm…” I hesitated. I didn’t know how to tell her that I had actually been avoiding him after that.

“Oh, no!” she said when she saw the expression on my face. “I know that face, Kayla. It usually means, ‘I’m so into this guy, but I’m just fucking scared I’d end up too happy to pursue my dream of becoming the most boring woman alive’!”

I actually laughed and made a face at her. I had just placed the tray of cookies inside the oven.

“No, really, Kayla,” Raven insisted. “You must give this guy a chance. You must give yourself a chance to fall in love! You’re twenty-eight, and you’ve never been in love! How sad is that!”

She was right. Growing up to see how painful it had been for my dad when my mom got sick and died, I always convinced myself that it was better to be alone forever. I made myself believe it was better to fall in love with my career and nothing more.

“Has he called you? Don’t you see each other in the office?” she asked.

“He’s called and sent a message twice since then, but I haven’t responded,” I admitted. “I just don’t know what to say. Even in the office, I avoid bumping into and being alone with him unless necessary.”