He scoffed and then eventually laughed. “The worst moment of my life,” he said, grinning.

I couldn’t believe we were joking about it.

When we got to the parking lot, I was surprised to see his brand-new Mercedes Benz. It was the latest model if I wasn’t mistaken. I then remembered seeing him getting into a limousine one time.

“How wealthy are your parents?” I blurted out as he opened the door for me.

He laughed and closed the door after me. Then I watched him go around and get into the driver’s seat. His eyes were sparkling, and his face was glowing. Maybe lightning up suited him.

Once we were seated close to each other inside the car, I couldn’t help but remember the kiss again.

“I’ve been an orphan since I was a kid,” he answered as he began driving. “And from what I know, my parents were not wealthy. They left me some money which I later used for law school.”

“So why do you have lots of luxury cars?” I wondered. I wanted to ask all my questions while he was open to me.

“How many have you seen?” he asked, grinning.

“Well, this and a limousine. Oh, my gosh! You have a limousine! Imagine that. My dad would never have bought something like that. And I’m not really sure if he could afford it then and now.”

Robert chuckled. “Perhaps he can now. But he’s saving up for your future…”

“I guess so.”

Then focusing once more on my inquiry, I exclaimed, “Oh, you must be a smuggler! I knew it! You’ve got the perfect smuggler look.”

He laughed. “And you’ve got the perfect celebrity look.”

“Ha-ha!” I said dryly, remembering our encounter on my first day at work.

“It’s a compliment!” he protested.

“Coming from you then, it certainly wasn’t.”

“Well, yeah, you got me,” he admitted sheepishly. “But I misjudged you, and I’m sorry. You’ve got your dad’s brains and skills, maybe even more.”

“Why, thank you… But you’re changing the subject!” I said, noticing how the conversation was veering away from my original question.

He laughed and finally told me how he’d amassed all his wealth. I was totally impressed and amazed as he described how he’d juggled law school, being a single dad, selling digital products on the Internet, and building a coaching business. He told me about the uncle who’d taken care of him and got buried in debt just to help him start his ventures. He had paid off all the debt already, of course. But unfortunately, his uncle had already passed away.

When he finished his story, I felt I knew much more about him. He also looked like he’d gotten a big burden off his chest.

“So inspiring,” I whispered in awe. “It’s really amazing.”

“Thank you,” he said as he turned to the left. We were nearing the huge compound of Fantasy Flicks.

“Who would have thought an asshole like you would turn out to be a billionaire with such a wonderful story?” I said, grinning.

“Asshole, huh!” he said loudly, pretending to be angry.

“Don’t deny it,” I said. “And I admit I was pretty bitchy too.”

He laughed. “Now it’s your turn to tell me your story.”

“I don’t have one!” I said, thinking of how boring my life seemed compared to his.

“Everyone has a story,” he insisted. “Tell me about your college life, about your dreams…”

We were already entering the driveway leading up to the company.